Toronto Four Seasons Hotel and Private Residences Toronto | 203.9m | 52s | Lifetime | a—A

I like it, I would've expected something more modern, but the fountain looks nice.
I like the fountain/park too because it is unexpected and adds another layer to the project. With developments like this we will end up with a nice little string of interesting parks to enjoy on a stroll through Yorkville which is excellent.
I'm wondering if the fountain as depicted is there strictly for scale and massing purposes at the moment, and is not meant to be a literal depiction of what will eventually gush water there.

Okay, maybe I just wrote what I'm actually hoping for, not so much just plain 'wondering'.

I just can't picture either A) a serious working fountain designer wanting to create something so kitschy or B) aA heading up to a garden store in Vaughan to put together a megafountain from 6 of their biggest and gaudiest* designs.


*Save for Mannequin Pis. Wha' happen to him?
Oooh, I can't wait for this. I'll be there with my pom-poms cheering on the demolition of the car dealership.
I wish more projects in Toronto would work to better the area as this project (along with 18 Yorkville) have done.

I hope they go for the 672 ft. height. Anything extra that will get people eyes to focus on this tower and not the concrete monsters at Yonge and Bloor is welcome.
Kudo's to the Four Seasons for trying to create a bit of drama and some landmark architectural elements to their development. I'd prefer a spectacular modern fountain but... hey... beggers can't be choosers. It's nice to see corporations interested in urban design however.
By putting the fountain in the driveway they are probably hoping to give some visual interest to the porte cochere area, and also mitigate the noise of idling cars with splashing water. When the doors to the lobby are open, people inside will hear the fountain, and not so much the cars.

AMAZING PLAN & DESIGNS!!! let's get this going quickly... T.O. needs a new Four Seasons, especially being the world headquarters of the company... will it be ready for TIFF 2008?
Was this answered already? What is happening to the old FS? Will it remain as well?

The old fire hall right beside the library? It's a hertiage building - not going anywhere.

There use to be a magnificent, tiered Victorian / Edwardian cast iron water fountain in Allan Gardens. Old photographs suggest it must've been 25 or 30 feet tall. By 1940 it had been severely truncated. I wonder if the upper levels were removed to be used as water features in other city parks?

The ornate hotel fountain obviously plays off the older structures - the fire hall and the library - nearbye, and creates a contrasting design opposite to the sleekness of the modern hotel. And the looser look of the rose garden, suggestive of English gardens, is a nice contrast to the more formal, traditional French / Italian inspired plantings of the 18 Yorkville park nearbye.
