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  1. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    You've made some big promises that have not come to pass. So a vague dismissal at this point is difficult to take seriously. As for the others who replied to my post, I take many of your counterarguments, and I was probably speaking in overly inflammatory terms. My main point is this: people...
  2. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I hope recent events have taught people more about the low credibility and ethics possessed by most journalists. You have to understand that everyone involved was chasing a story - they weren't trying to do better by their city or its people, but just want to make as much effort as possible to...
  3. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I'm starting to think we'll never see anything. Too much rumour, not enough fact. It's not like there aren't all kinds of stories the media never puts into print for various reasons. This looks like it will be yet another.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Oh, I get it now! Rob likes Slush Puppies, right?
  5. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Damn, if I was clerking with these guys, I'd grab those documents the first chance I got, copy and/or scan them, and send them out to as many people as possible. Of course I guess that's why I'm not in the legal profession :)
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    MetroMan, any inkling of it/when they stuff will leak to the press? I know that this is the toughest thing to predict, but I'm dying of curiosity.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Money isn't the only issue here. I think we can all agree that without Kouvalis' help, Ford would have had a much, much tougher time winning. Well, it's doubtful that Kouvalis will touch Ford next time around, if it happens. Multiply by that by many more handlers, strategists, etc., and Ford...
  8. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I think the video will surface, but if it happens past January the scenario will have changed significantly. As for his re-election chances, the money men that backed him up last time around will find a new pony next year, for obvious reasons. Populism alone only takes you so far.
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If you'll permit me to be pessimistic, aren't we more or less at the point where this whole situation in unsalvageable? I mean, I don't think anyone can seriously entertain the possibility that Ford will get a 2nd term at this point. Which means that he's inching ever closer to serving out his...
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    Rob Ford's Toronto

    That's par for the course with these kinds of stories. Rarely do they go beyond the sabre-rattling stage.
  11. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    A double shooting at Swansea Mews last night, with injuries but no fatalities. Remember the red hot gossip surrounding Chris Kostopolous and his rumoured ties with RoFo? Kostopolous was victim of homicide at same housing complex earlier in the month.
  12. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Those remarks aren't technically libel. They're rude, juvenile, offensive, and would probably count as illegal threats if an average Joe/Jane like you or I said them. But they're not libel, as I fully believe Doug Ford would lob a few grenades into City Hall if given half the chance.
  13. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    For those speculating on the fate of Ford Nation, remember that there are still many, many people in and around Penn State that continue to believe that Jerry Sandusky was railroaded.
  14. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Just wanted to chime in and let you know that your insights have been the key reason I've been able to survive this scandal. Honestly, to see what's being done to this city by this Ford nonsense is heartbreaking. Your "more is coming" posts have been a lifeline and kept me from seriously...
  15. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I have to say that I'm finding all this Italian stereotyping and scapegoating a little unsettling. What, you can't be involved in organized crime unless you're a goombah? (I say this as someone who is 25% goombah). Reframe this conversation and imagine what it would be like if we were trying...
  16. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    If/when the proverbial tidal wave finally crashes over our fair city, how loud will the calls be for de-amalgamation? I don't necessarily think that that's a good idea, but Toronto is never going to be the same after this, and people will want change. This could go on for years.
  17. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    I enjoy how this scandal is damaging the provincial PCs as well. I'm sure the mutiny against Hudak's rule would be more widespread were it not for the fact that Doug would lead the charge to become the new party leader. Getting Holyday in gives him instant leverage. But imagine what would...
  18. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Scrappy's tone is not necessary, but it is starting to get a bit odd that the thing hasn't been leaked. I'd be inclined to be suspicious of its existence as well, except that multiple sources (inside and outside UT) have confirmed that it is real and spreading around.
  19. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    "Is the day coming when Rob Ford will have to address some very uncomfortable questions about his behaviour?" Have to say I enjoy that bit of coyness from the Sun reporter who authored this piece.
  20. A

    Rob Ford's Toronto

    Seriously, though, with the hype around the supposedly imminent release of the crack video vs. a reality in which that hasn't happened, I'm starting to believe (not really) that this is all a ghost story cooked up by the Star.
