Toronto Panorama at Concord CityPlace | 96.01m | 28s | Concord Adex | BDP Quadrangle

Also remember to reduce your clothing collection - particularly if two are to attempt inhabiting such a space.

The actual floorspace is, of course, less than 550 square feet.
I wonder if they'll be improving the condition of the underside of the Gardiner immediately outside their podium windows - it is hard to believe that anyone would accept living with views of the underside were it not fixed up. Maybe they'll be hanging some large lights to encourage those patches of lawn to grow, maybe there will be paint and/or a new surface applied to the pillars and 'roof'. If they do, and it looks pleasing in the end, we'll have to re-evaluate the rest of the underside of that highway...

Do they really think that little parkette under the Gardiner is realistic? Last time I checked, grass requires sun light to grow.

Artificial maybe?

I don't know who in their right mind would want to pay to live facing the underside of the Gardiner.
Oh moan, moan. Blame the Gardiner, it's the Gardiner's fault.

Wake up people. The current state of the Gardiner is our fault. Decades of neglect have left it in a sorry state, but all is not lost. I think Cityplace/ Panorama's attempt to mitigate its negative effects is an admirable first step towards positive revitalization. Apartments the world over look out onto expressways, rail corridors and other bothersome elements so is this not an inevitable aspect of densification?

I have already listed possible uses for the underside of our neglected friend in other threads so I wont dredge them here. That said, if a large-scale program were to be implimented, these spaces wouldn't look so forlorn. For a city which prides itself on its heritage, we seem to be quite selective about what we want to preserve. Let's grant the Gardiner heritage status and begin embracing it, instead of pretending to ignore the long, concrete snake in the room.

And before I get attacked by countless UT members for being a car-embracing, planet-hating-righty, I'll just let you know that my blood runs Orange and I don't even have a license. It's not about convenience, its about urbanism.
catcher of cats: That's a great photo of the crane hovering over those little cars on the Gardiner. It reminds me of those arcade claw games which - if put into action on a larger scale - might bring a whole new meaning to the term car-embracing and finally render the dreaded expressway obsolete.
That said, if a large-scale program were to be implimented, these spaces wouldn't look so forlorn. For a city which prides itself on its heritage, we seem to be quite selective about what we want to preserve. Let's grant the Gardiner heritage status and begin embracing it, instead of pretending to ignore the long, concrete snake in the room.

I agree. As much as I hate cars, I think the Gardiner provides some very unique urban spaces that should be preserved - particularly after it breaks off from lakeshore blvd.
Do they really think that little parkette under the Gardiner is realistic? Last time I checked, grass requires sun light to grow.

I heard the soccer fans finally got their way and they're gonna put real grass in BMO field. Then they are gonna take all that excess field turf and line the bottom of the gardiner with it. Voila!
And before I get attacked by countless UT members for being a car-embracing, planet-hating-righty, I'll just let you know that my blood runs Orange and I don't even have a license. It's not about convenience, its about urbanism.

Whatcha talking about Willis? A fair contingent of the hardly right-of-centre Spacing crowd actually agrees with you, or at least isn't hostile to your argument...
September 15

Panorama is at ground level.

No way! But I guess I underestimated the market for hall-way kitchens, bizarrely shaped rooms that prevent you from using space and bathtubs made of envelops. I stand corrected and amused. I also stand saddened but at 6'3 I'll get over it and move on.


Actually there is no "tub" in this plan, just a shower stall - you need 5 feet to put a tub in - and the bedroom is so small they don’t dare to show a bed in it because it would look ridiculous, they can’t even put a "swinging" door on the bedroom because it would'nt be able to open. .............And where do you put your winter stuff in the summer??? I really don’t know how people live in this type of unit. It’s an example of pure greed on the part of the developer.
Seeing that this is Concord, Panorama should rise quickly now they are above grade, even with the extra time it takes to build the podium.

Looking at the plexi-glass Gardiner, I was thinking it would be cool (pun intended) if someone did an ice sculpture of the City's skyline. Not every building but the main ones and include the Gardiner for extra effect.
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