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Toronto Municipal Election 2018: Mayor’s Race

Blah bah Scarborough Subway blah blah.

Right off topic and absolutely nothing to do with anything discussed. Maybe I misunderstood but seem more like a personal jab and not the first one? I wont engage with provoking insulting posts in the same manner. Especially with a moderator? :rolleyes:.
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What a difference a week makes, eh?

Yup. Everything has been turned on its head. We were headed towards a boring mayoral race which would essentially be a 3 month John Tory victory lap and we had very interesting council races coming together. Now, we have a real matchup for Mayor with Tory in real danger of becoming a one termer and city council candidates have no friggun idea what’s going on.

Late last night, I heard rumours of David Miller contemplating entering the race and Jennifer Keesmaat convinced to enter after seeing the surge of support on Twitter after news of Ford’s meddling broke. She found a boogie monster to fight against and Tory suddenly was wide open and vulnerable. It was enough to change her mind.

why is succession not even on the agenda? This is what pisses me off about Canadians - they will whine and whine about the big bad politicians but when it comes to something really important they will sit on their hands and do nowt. Why not declare independence? Why not call dirtbag Ford on his bluff? Toronto is a big obnoxious city we could kick some ass if we really wanted to. When I lived in England and they brought in the Council Tax you should have seen the demonstrations, you could feel London's rage, it was truly something to be proud of. Why won't Torontonians stand up for their city?
This topic always comes up every 2-3 years, and there's really no point in taking it seriously because it will never happen. It's on the same level of seriousness as all those petitions that always come up saying that Scarborough should secede from Toronto.

Last time secession was discussed by a major politician, it did spark discussions with the Province that ultimately influenced changes to the laws governing the City of Toronto. So I do think this is a discussion worth happening. At the very least, it can result in changes to the relationship between QP and the City.
I don't know if full secession from the province is the right answer, but the city does need autonomy and freedom from the whims of whoever is in Queens Park. It is the is the economic engine of the province, a fact rejected by many/most who live outside Toronto who believe the exact opposite. Because of this it becomes an easy target for any politician looking to score points outside the city. We need some sort of veto over how we run things in our own city.
In other countries, their most important cities are fully functioning states/provinces, or have some kind of special status. I don't see why that can't be done here. It's high time for it to happen. The needs of Toronto and the needs of the rest of Ontario are not often in sync.

This city deserves more, and it deserves better.
Keesmaat will no doubt get my vote, but this secession talk is a waste of time, of course, as anything that involves the constitution. No interest in opening that Pandora's box yet again.
I'm no lawyer or constitutional scholar but I did find this:

If true, while a constitutional amendment might be best, it may not be the only way forward. Regardless though, I don't think going all the way through to a full secession is required. What is needed is enough support and momentum that it forces the province to sit down and negotiate a way to give Toronto some form of semi-autonomy within Ontario.

Edited to add:

Some info on how this has played out in the past:

If you read through to the end it indicates that the last time we tried this was largely responsible for the City of Toronto Act. Maybe time to start pushing again.
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Keesmaat just threw away any chance she had being mayor with this secession nonsense. What a joke!

Coming out with these statements will indeed limit her growth as she is only talking directly to her current base. Ive said before the Left needed a moderate Mayoral candidate ASAP to even start turning around the sinking ship weve seen the last decade in this City, this kind of rhetoric certainly wont help them. On the very high end her base could compare to Fords, but Tory who has a solid low tax and moderate base himself now owns the majority of Fords with no competition on the Right. Based on that alone chances were slim to none.

This secession talk changes little in the end result but if this is what we can expect in her platform it may impact her future political aspirations and keep the Left sliding a bit further into a regressive tail spin. If she shows herself well and can find some ways of achieving unity and growth she might have a solid opportunity when Tory leaves, if she draws poorly at the polls the Left will certainly be looking for other answers next time around.
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Becoming a full blown province would be difficult, but what about becoming a territory or some kind of special autonomous region?
I will vote for Tory, he has done a lot and seems to have energy and enthusiasm for the position. As for him knowing about Ford's idea for some time, it is more than plausible that he simply doesn't believe half of what alchy-in-chief Dougie says - that's a good strategy. Ford is beyond a loose cannon, he's a loose nuclear weapon, I would love to see the backroom discussions that got him the nod as leader of the conservatives, the less charitable side says it's because he was the only "male" candidate. As for Layton as usual just sits around being bitchy, why doesn't he take up knitting or something, you know so his time in council will be useful.
I really think Toronto needs to be it's own administrative centre, not really a province but a city-state. We have world wide standing and going thru the province for every little thing, planning, migrant support, economic growth, is too time consuming. If Ford really thinks about streamlining the process then that should include the doubling of so many things between the GTA and the rest of the province. Toronto, Canada sounds so much better than Toronto, Ontario - bring on the revolution!!!!!
