Toronto Exhibit Residences | 99.97m | 32s | Bazis | Rosario Varacalli

Dec 19





We miss the mcdonalds because it was the only burger joint around aside from the terrible burger king at college spadina. That McDonalds was also a godsend for late night studying food runs from robarts. It might not seem like much of a loss but it was really just a great thing to have around for us.
I see what you mean. it would be nice to have more fast food resultants open later other than Horton's, for those of us who work night shifts.
Wanting convenient cheap accessible food is important, but mourning a McDonalds? Surely the negatives out weigh the positives. It's barely food. Isn't it for down and out people who can't afford proper food? The only people I see in there are students, poor people, and the homeless. You'd be far better served by a fruit and vegetable stand.
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Wanting convenient cheap accessible food is important, but mourning a McDonalds? Surely the negatives out weigh the positives. It's barely food. Isn't it for down and out people who can't afford proper food? The only people I see in there are students, poor people, and the homeless. You'd be far better served by a fruit and vegetable stand.

While it might be hard to call food, ill tell you first hand that while writing a 20page essay at 2am in the library nothing hits the spot like a Junior Chicken and Bigmac with fries.
We have like a bazillion Subway restaurants around so no worries we also get our daily veggie quota ;)

Also not sure what McDonalds you tend to visit but there is a range of all income and age groups who eat it.

My.understanding is that the McDonald's will reopen in the new building. The entire campus and I will greet it with open arms and empty stomachs.
