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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I try to avoid all Ford Nation videos but I broke down and watched this one (Kevin Spacey video) and I can't believe how rude Doug is. He won't let his little bro get a word in edge wise. Every time Rob tries to talk, Doug cuts him off. Who does that guy think he is, a celebrity or something? lol

Wow, seriously. Doug cuts off Robbie constantly and for no other reason than (1) Doug thinks HE is the big fish important celeb guy here, who deserves as much time in the limelight as his brother [Newsflash: Wrong again, Dougie!!], and (2) Doug feels slighted by someone and he CAN. NOT. LET. IT. GO.

What a pugnacious, petty loser he is. He CRAVES attention, just as Rob does but it manifests differently. And he has no problem solving or conflict resolution skills other than bluster and bombast. My God, he must be hell to work for.
I try to avoid all Ford Nation videos but I broke down and watched this one (Kevin Spacey video) and I can't believe how rude Doug is. He won't let his little bro get a word in edge wise. Every time Rob tries to talk, Doug cuts him off. Who does that guy think he is, a celebrity or something? lol

Ha ha! I did the same thing. I have made an effort not to watch the Ford videos just because I don't want to add to their numbers and be counted as "Ford Nation", but this one I had to see.

Did you notice the body language? Doug leans forward in the frame and looks bigger. He is either talking much louder or his mic is set hotter. Rob is shrunken and dares not speak too loudly or do anything which appears to contradict Doug. Doug is animated in his gestures while Rob has both hands frozen. Rob is leaning back during most of that diatribe like even he can't believe the rant.

The Spacey video now has more than 52,000 viewers. The other videos have between 3,000-5,000 hits unless they are talking about something controversial like the Pride flag. The second most watched video has just 16,000 hits and it took 3 weeks to get that far. If people were interested in Ford as a politician, the hits would be evenly spread over the political topics but this data seems to suggest that they are only popular when they are ranting about someone. It's a sideshow.

To put the numbers into perspectiCompare their popularity to a Youtube sensation like Jenna Marbles with her "How to trick people into thinking you're good looking" and the numbers become very small indeed.
This Hollywood trip by the Ford's was supposed to a goodwill tour. It's a shame they would insult a decent and respected man like Mr. Spacey. I hope he doesn't think all Torontonians are like that!

Unsure if the /s was on there, but Spacey has spent plenty of time here. E.g., He shot Casino Jack in Toronto in 2009. In those long ago, less zany, pre-Ford times. Plus TIFF. So he likely has an inkling that Ford(s) ≠ T.O.
You will never convince a left brained person of something like intuition, or a suxth sense like gaydar. It is beyond logic. You either have that ability .... or you don't believe in it.
Arguing with someone who wants proof is a waste of time.
To be blunt the Fords seem to be tactile,visual individuals....The best way to lull them into a false sense security is "hero worship"..R Ford can get that immediacy from visiting 2 apartment buildings a day and having his fawning public rush to "selfies"and shouts of Ford more years" and D Ford takes pride in his oneupsmanship with "FordNation videos'....That being the case mob R Ford whereever he goes make him feel its a calkwalk...Repeatedly hit the FordNation videos giving proof to D Ford's genius allowing freereign to further outrageous claims....however in the end it is all facade and they will be the laughingstock of the majority come Oct 27, 2014
Rob may find that out in October.

Here's a blog of someone who worked at Deco through both Doug's. Apologies if this has been already posted.

"Doug never did pay any of his employees real well when I was there, but he still had a heart of gold. I also had good times with Doug’s son Randy, he was a fun guy, you could compare Randy to Mikey on American Chopper even with the long hair at the time hehe."
To put the numbers into perspectiCompare their popularity to a Youtube sensation like Jenna Marbles with her "How to trick people into thinking you're good looking" and the numbers become very small indeed.

A better comparison would be to compare it to the number of views of all the embarrassing Ford videos. Even when you just search 'Rob Ford' on youtube, every single video on page one has more views than his show (Ford Nation doesn't even show up in the search results, except for that Sun News drivel).
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I try to avoid all Ford Nation videos but I broke down and watched this one (Kevin Spacey video) and I can't believe how rude Doug is. He won't let his little bro get a word in edge wise. Every time Rob tries to talk, Doug cuts him off. Who does that guy think he is, a celebrity or something? lol

That's part of the act. Doug does the attacking and Rob plays the unassuming nice guy who gives people the benefit of the doubt.
I won't bore everyone here with more posts on the topic. To bring it back to the Fords - while I believe the Fords to be capable of anything, and as they have shown in the past they they are uncomfortable with homosexuality, it should not surprise me if they tried to ignite supporters by hinting the actor is gay. But since Spacey's movies and tv show are too high-brow for this pair, I'm more inclined to believe they barely know what he does and weren't even aware of the rumour. They're just vengeful pricks.

They probably think that *all* Hollywood stars are "gay"--so if Spacey's been dogged by rumours, no surprise. Remember: the Fords are macho jocks, not cinema phags. And they even more probably are aware of fashionable "Hollywood liberalism", that lefty bias which probably feeds into (or is fed by) that phagginess. Y'know, everyone knows by now that Little Miss Selfie Ellen, the Oscar host--yep, she's gay. Etc etc.
Come on, it has fake triangle flags on it that make it look more like Cinderella's castle at Disney World than any serious piece of architecture. I feel Wormington must've snuck up into it to lose his virginity to have so much of an attachment to it.

Wormington aside, I'm not pretending EMTC is "serious architecture", I'm just stating that its landmark value is valid. (And heck, if we're speaking of c1990, that was right after the PoMo pinnacle of "serious un-serious", an era when even Disneyland had been treated seriously by the Venturi/Charles Moore school of architectural commentary. With that in mind, 80s-style megamalls really aren't that implausible as future-heritage-landmark fixation points--at least on paper.)

But my raising Mississauga City Hall (from EMTC's era) and Marilyn (a generation later) demonstrates that I'm well aware of his boneheadedness of judgment.
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