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Project Niagara DEAD (Niagara-On-The-Lake)

The Epicurean on Queen Street makes a nice latte. Much better than the ones at the Starbucks knockoff that used to be down by the Moffat Inn.

Why don't you tell us Torontonians more about ourselves?
This person is someone who actually lives in NOTL

you have walked thru our neighbourhood... wow, good for you.... you must be so knowledgeable and smart...
why don't you come down here and show us how to live? appparently you are the only one who knows anything about anything...
why did you leave? if it's so nice?
you have no idea what's about to happen here...
how very condescending, superior and trite you can be...
nimby eh?

this project will not inconvience us, not annoy us, not upset us...
this project is to seat 12,500 people at peak not 2000 in a small village of 3,500 people.
it will DESTROY our small neighbourhood and town...
but, oh yeah, you live in the big Toronto,
and you obivously don't give a shit about anyone but yourself...
why don't you go down to Starbucks and get another Latte?
apparently you think that that is the height of culture...

At least we, the residents of the proposed event, know what is happening. We live here. I agree with you 100%. We are so fortunate to have neighbours who also appreciate the unique nature of our community. We know first hand what this community means to us and our families.
but, oh yeah, you live in the big Toronto,
and you obivously don't give a shit about anyone but yourself...

Very curious posts for a newbie, especially a newbie nimby posting on an urban development forum......I mean, why bother?

Love the fudge shops in NOTL, btw..
Dear Tim and Tanglewood:

If you would post some maps, pics, stats, anything that would help your cause here and show us exactly what it is you are so upset about, that would go a long way. A lot of us here are not up on the issues, or circumstances surrounding this proposal, and don't know a heck of a lot about the TSO either, for that matter. Toronto is not the collective monolith you're saying it is.

It also sounds like your beef is more with Ottawa than us - National Arts Centre? Former Military lands? Not to mention your local governance. So what gives?

So, if you could let us in on what's bugging you, chances are you'll get some sympathy and reasoning on your side. If you persist in these accusatory and crass outbursts, I will predict you'll get very little back. So - help us out.
I love the idea of this project, but not necessarily for NOTL, and I agree that it will overwhelm and potentially damage the character of the town. There must be a more appropriate, yet pleasing, location for a site such as this, and one still in the Niagara area. Why must every attraction be heaped onto the same town? Tanglewood in the Berkshires is in a very rural, country setting, which is the whole point. There must be somewhere else within easy drive of the Falls, NOTL, the Parkway and vineyards etc that would provide a more acceptable alternative location?
it will DESTROY our small neighbourhood and town...
but, oh yeah, you live in the big Toronto,
and you obivously don't give a shit about anyone but yourself...
why don't you go down to Starbucks and get another Latte?
apparently you think that that is the height of culture...
Throwing around tired and inaccurate anti-Toronto accussations and not staying to the issue at hand is indeed very curious for a new poster to the Urban Toronto Forum. I think Canadian National said it best. Let's bring down the rhetoric and start looking at the plan once it becomes available.
Wish we knew more...

Dear Tim and Tanglewood:

If you would post some maps, pics, stats, anything that would help your cause here and show us exactly what it is you are so upset about, that would go a long way. A lot of us here are not up on the issues, or circumstances surrounding this proposal, and don't know a heck of a lot about the TSO either, for that matter. Toronto is not the collective monolith you're saying it is.

It also sounds like your beef is more with Ottawa than us - National Arts Centre? Former Military lands? Not to mention your local governance. So what gives?

So, if you could let us in on what's bugging you, chances are you'll get some sympathy and reasoning on your side. If you persist in these accusatory and crass outbursts, I will predict you'll get very little back. So - help us out.

Thank you for your attempts to understand what's actually going on here and your request for further information on the proposal. I wish we knew more, that is our problem. The locals are not being told anything and that is our frustration. We have never been shown a site plan and to date we've only been allowed to listen at a town council meeting. The locals were not given the chance to ask questions, only the town councillors were allowed to participate. All we know is what we have heard in our local newspaper. We have been told that NOTL is the prime location, the attendance would be approx. 250,000 people per season which equals The Shaw. This would potentially double the amount of tourists during the 12-15wks they are proposing to have the event open. We have been told that there will be an amphitheatre with covered seating for 4000 and ground seating for thousands more. There is supposed to be a parking lot for 2000 cars on site as well. These "numbers" were given at the one town council meeting, we don't know if these numbers would change because no formal plan has been shown. The problem is is that we don't know anything...I wish we could say we knew more. The reason I believe that someone came to find this forum was to seek any additional information on the project, as the architectural firm KPMB is located in Toronto, locals possibly sought out Toronto and a search engine brought up this forum. To further show how little information we were given, the story "broke" in the Toronto Star, not a Niagara Regional Paper reported on it. The locals are thankful for the Toronto Star reporter that actually informed us of what may be happening in our own backyards. I have no issues at all with Toronto, we have no issues with the tourists, the project seems ill conceived as there is no infrastructure to sustain a project of this magnitude. It's got nothing to do with disliking Toronto, it was more about the influx of people from all over the world that visit regularly and how this project will only increase that number which would have adverse affects on the entire community. I wish we could get maps of the proposed site plan, confirmed stats, pics but that is our problem and frustration, we haven't been shown anything. We have been told that our next public meeting won't be until May and that just shows you how little the locals are being included in any discourse. This was the only forum that a local found that was actually talking about the project. Our community is desperately seeking a voice and our own small newspaper hasn't printed a story about this project in weeks. It is ridiculous. We are a very tight knit community and we are getting together and trying to get some answers. I would love to show you any information we have on the project and thank you for asking and even your interest is most appreciated. We have a forum for locals that is being put together so at least the locals can stay connected and updated. I just thank this forum because I have found out more about this project from the Toronto Star than anywhere else. I believe locals are attempting to search for anything on search engines due to the project being the TSO, and the arch. is the large firm from Toronto that search engines seem to bring up more information based from Toronto than we can get anywhere else. Thank you so much for your interest and your words and post are appreciated.
If they are not going to you, then go to them. Give the local planners, councillors and mayor a call and request for info and to discuss your issues and concerns. Call TSO and whoever else might be involved in the project. The majority of the members of this forum are not anit-NIMBY. Most of us understand the appropriateness of certain projects in certain areas. We know no more than the folks in NOTL do, and are glad to hear any issues that may result.

It seems pretty obvious that those involved are not allowing too much community involvement for this. Imo, this is not the way to plan anything, especially a project that will have tremendous effects on those that are most immediately affected. I feel that any planning should engage the community. Without any discussions, it leads to a situation such as this where the some main issues is the lack of communication of what is involved. I have spoken to many people who have been in similar situations where if those involved with the project would come forward and provide more transparancy, then most of the major grievances would have been avoided.
what's real and what isn't

forgive me if i quote some other posters in a bit of a debunking exercise....

first some math
the average concert attendance as clearly stated by the project consultant is 4000 (multiply by 4/wk and 12 week season = 192000), with a few larger events to bring festival attendance total to between 250k to 300 k (similar to shaw)
using the 4000 figure, and assuming 25% of attendees are in notl for other reasons - wineries, shaw, historical/cultural, niagara falls, etc. - that leaves at most 3000 car arrivals (some may come by bus). with an average of 2.7/vehicle that would be an additional 1100 cars or so on average. compare that to:

from tim callighen
so that means about 5000 more cars into this small area for each performance.
Get ready to rumble.​

i wonder where the 5000 cars per event came from - the ether???

or this:

from tim callighen
Is the TSO ready to have all of its performances picketed by angry NOTL residents?​

are angry residents picketing shaw, or the hillebrand jazz or blues events, or jackson-triggs concerts, or canada day festivities in simcoe, not really, we welcome visitors and happily host them in ontario's most historic town

or this:

from tim callighen
Do you think we believe all the public statments made (like no Carolinian forest will be cut down, etc.) when we who live here can see it's not possible to build this thing without massive reworking of the area and lots of trees being removed?​

what about the current sewage lagoons, aeration ponds and the old tank range that covers a good 30% of the site and is merely scrubland. the carolinian forest hugs the lakeshore and part of shakespeare ave and is nowhere near the proposed amphitheatre site. in fact the project consultant specifically identified the natural and historic areas as being outside the scope of the project and extremely worthy of protection. have you any real knowledge of the site or are you just blowing smoke

or this:

from Tanglewood in my BackYard:
5 miles away in our high school park lot​

the high school is 1 1/2 miles away

or this:

from Tanglewood in my BackYard:
The houses that border Project Niagara also border historic battleground of 1812 ("Old Army Land???).​

again, the battleground is not part of the project, a fact made clear by the project consultant and local parks canada staffers in presentations and the press

or this:

from Tanglewood in my BackYard:
The NOTL Town Council may support the project but they have neglected to inform the residents who border the proposed site with any factual information or proposed site plan.​

really - no information - the well publicized meeting with council was well publicized and well attended.
not to mention the fact that a local neighbourhood resident sits on the national board overseeing the project, a local neighbourhood resident sits on town council and a local neighbourhood resident chairs the chamber committee formed concerning the project - why not ask them?

or this:

from Tanglewood in my BackYard:
How do they think the residents of Chautauqua (bordering Project Niagara) are going to feel if the can't get any facts or information on what's going on in their own backyards!!! Everyone's views must be heard.​

a public meeting, scheduled for feb 19 was canceled due to conflicts with the family day holiday, and is being rescheduled asap, although the local residents association executive has already had a meeting with proponents

or this:

from Tanglewood in my BackYard:
a 4000 seat amphitheatre.....
250,000 people per season which equals The Shaw. This would potentially double the amount of tourists during the 12-15wks they are proposing to have the event open......​

again, the covered amphtheatre is for 1800 t0 2000 as was clearly stated....and as only 1 in 10 notl visitors go to shaw a more accurate noumber for visitors to town is 3 million per year, so 250,000 symphony goers will hardly double the number of tourists

please try and refrain from posting bad facts and misinformed conclusions - it doesn't help your argument and simply makes you look nimbyish

this advice from:
If they are not going to you, then go to them. Give the local planners, councillors and mayor a call and request for info and to discuss your issues and concerns. Call TSO and whoever else might be involved in the project.​

is right on the money. take some time to get properly informed. stop ranting on a site that has little to do with the reality of the project. what information there is can be had for the asking. don't believe everything you read in the papers.
and for goodness sakes don't let the facts get in the way of your argument....oops, sorry, you already don't

it might pay to remember that the project is still in the "feasibility study" phase, and a goodly amount of the info available is very general in nature.
The reason I believe that someone came to find this forum was to seek any additional information on the project, as the architectural firm KPMB is located in Toronto, locals possibly sought out Toronto and a search engine brought up this forum.

Ah, KPMB. In case you're curious, they also did the Jackson-Triggs Winery, perhaps the most acclaimed "contemporary" addition to the NOTL landscape over the past generation.

Just to remind you. (And not necessarily as a wholesale endorsement of the firm; after all, KPMB might be being used as a Trojan horse w/this project.)
Gmap of DND lands - NOTL

the link above will give you an overview of the site

approximately 250 acres

the easterly portion is the old rifle range, believed to be the main landing site of american troops in 1813 - a piece that parks canada reps say will not be developed as part of the project due to its' historical significance
immediately east is the chautauqua neighbourhood - interesting street pattern!.
originally laid out as a religious campground during the heyday of the chautauqua movement

the middle section has two 1960's vintage sewage lagoons as well as aeration ponds and a small physical/chemical treatment plant ca. mid-1990's. they are over capacity and are slated to be relocated/removed by regional government in near future - one lagoon is proposed to hold the music amphitheatre, probably the northerly

the westerly portion is the old tank range, with the niagara shores park at the extreme end.
niagara shores park is the only section open for public use at present as the site has been restricted access since 1908 or so.

the heavily wooded areas bordering the chautauqua and hugging the lakeshore and lagoons in the centre section is probably the largest piece of carolinian forest on the shore of lake ontario. it has been identified as an area of natural and scientific interest (ANSI) by the province and/or as an environmentally sensitive area (ESA) by the region and conservation authority.
interestingly, the entire site lies outside the urban boundary of the old town, and falls within the ontario greenbelt. as federal land however it may not be subject to those controls - it certainly isn't subject to local planning rules.

parks canada is intending to lease the lands - thus retaining control over their use. much the same as they did when the region put in the sewage lagoons - so that when and if they move the lands revert back to parks canada

the site has significant cultural and heritage value, as well as unique environmental features. federal, provincial, regional and municipal governments are aware of this.

for a def'n of ANSI and ESA see:
info session

Well the raving NOTLers seem to have wandered off somewhere with no responses to InnocentBystander's points.

How very odd.

kinda like playing poker and folding when someone calls your bluff


public meeting with q&a session with consultants scheduled for feb 27, 7-9 pm at courthouse in notl

good way to get accurate facts, figures and status on what is REALLY going on with this project

play nice now!
Please report back on that - we'll be looking for the details!

