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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Yes, keep it simple like Doug's emails. Single simple sentences separated by lots of white space. Throw in some caps for emphasis and an exclamation point or two. Remind him about "the people".
So far responses to my PC MPP have gone along the lines of "Ontario's first government For the People" believe that .... blah blah blah. Stock response with no relation to the particular issue I have addressed. I don't expect anything else, but I do hope that there is strength in numbers. If enough people contact them, eventually they will take note.
Don't drop him a line, it's useless. Drop his MPs a line and put them on the hotseat.


Not useless. No, he's not likely to read it, but I've known many political staff over the years, there are daily or weekly summary sheets of all correspondence by topic, and whether it was positive or negative.

These things do get discussed, if they reach a certain critical mass.

That said, by all means people should also communicate w/cabinet members and MPPs (Especially their own, esp, if that person is a Conservative)

If you know the name of your MPP, their contact info is in the list linked below.
Not useless. No, he's not likely to read it, but I've known many political staff over the years, there are daily or weekly summary sheets of all correspondence by topic, and whether it was positive or negative.

These things do get discussed, if they reach a certain critical mass.

That said, by all means people should also communicate w/cabinet members and MPPs (Especially their own, esp, if that person is a Conservative)

If you know the name of your MPP, their contact info is in the list linked below.

Ah but you are assuming my interest is in influencing him and his policy choices. That's not my intent.

Letter writing
Summary of the last letter campaign - the election issues and gerrymandering.

Wrote all conservative MPPs got 6 automatic responses, never a follow up, got 1 response from the bloke in Halton region basically saying: Sorry, since you are not a constituent of my region, your Toronto problems are not mine. Yep... And lets not forget the 1 Toronto MPP who responded he would vote whatever he was told to vote and so supported Doug Fraud.
We need to remember that this was a Liberal election promise that was cancelled - not a well thought out policy.
Basically everything that the Liberal did in their final year was a reckless attempt to buy voters with no consideration for the future.
This is just Ford trying to undo some of the damage inflicted by the Liberals.

I take it you didn't read the article.

Are you against the expansion of post secondary institutions?
Pity that there are so few of them [educated voters].


Pardon me, I'm just an uneducated multi-dropout, but.....
We’re number one! According to the 2014 Education at a Glance report by the OECD, Canada has the highest percentage, among member countries, of adults aged 25-64 who have obtained a tertiary education – 53%. We’ve occupied that spot for some years now. The OECD average is 32%.


Ok, that's a bit dated and it's a bit overscaled, seeing as it's the entire nation, but I think that rate must be similar for Ontario.

I don't think it's fact that only the uneducated support/-ed this government. That's a bit of a fantasy I think some people might tell themselves to maybe feel better about their own choices. I don't know, I'm not a psychologist...I dropped out of studying that too.

On the other hand, anecdotally, my semi-"uneducated" group of friends is nowhere near being in support of this partially regressive (let's be honest, their drugs policies have been pretty impressive overall) government.

Uneducated people don't necessarily lack critical thinking, abstract thinking, a sense of morality, or are illiterate, can't count, and are beholden to their most basic instincts.

A formal education isn't a prerequisite for a rational mind.

Just saying.

PS: You guys are always on about this around these parts. It'd be interesting to know what the level of educational attainment is amongst the denizens of these forums. I'm starting to think it must be a good 85%.
I think I'd wager on that. Who am I kidding, I love betting......a hundo says I'm right. Anyone?
In any case, I find it interesting how some people like making very clear the distinction between the educated and uneducated as if to wash themselves of the sins of the masses.

Anyway, carry on....I don't even have a diploma so my analysis is probably lacking a great many things. ;)
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Ford's biggest enemy is an educated voter.

Pity that there are so few of them.
It is comments like this, that enable the meatheads in the Trump/Thug Ford camp to put down the educated in society. That enables emotion to succeed over ideas in those camps. And it has degraded the esteem in which we all believe education should be held.

There are of course many people who never had the opportunity to study who are solid, wise citizens. Sadly - many educated people have swallowed the Kool-Aid. So uneducated is harsh.

All of the readers here - who may be very frustrated with the level and tone of public discourse today - ought be careful of putting down the unfortunate crowd who have fallen in with the monkeys running the show.

Uneducated. Maybe, maybe not. But unsophisticated and uncouth, almost certainly.

We must think of Lincoln's "the better angels of our nature”. Hot words, on top of hot rhetoric - and pure nonsense, will surely divide us more.
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I have worked in adult basic education for a heck of a long time. I have met a lot of people who have achieved much with little traditional schooling. When I say uneducated, I am not talking about formal education, rather about voters who educate themselves on the issues. Perhaps I should have said informed. Far too many people make their voting decisions based on buck-a-beer and gravy train slogans, $20 bills handed out and drain the swamp rhetoric, which the Ford brothers know only too well and use to their advantage. They know that their base isn’t going to read or listen past the headlines and slogans.
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The Star makes a connection between the funding cancellation for the campus in Brampton and the election of Patrick Brown. I'm not convinced there is but it will interesting to see if the future holds more municipal 'streamlining' in Peel, or perhaps all GTA regions as cover. His potential vindictiveness knows few bounds.

I take it you didn't read the article.

Are you against the expansion of post secondary institutions?
Somebody correct me if I'm wrong. Don't we have a surplus of postsecondary spots in the province?

And personally, at least for Ryerson, as a grad, I thought it was a terrible plan. Ryerson has spent hundreds of millions developing its campus downtown. They've developed an identity and brand around being downtown. "Our MBA program is closest to Bay Street. Our journalism program is close to all the news orgs. Our radio and television arts program is close to all the media stations." Etc. Brampton was a poor fit for them IMO.

And I'm not sure if Ryerson was a great for for a Brampton. Even with the joint program with Sheridan. They'd have been better off with something like a York U satellite campus.
