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News   Oct 04, 2024
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Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (nCoV-2019)

We'll never escape lockdown with that mentality and we will continue to ignore the pain that these lockdowns cause. Imagine if the media focussed 100% of their energy to suicides and other deaths caused by unreasonable restrictions?
Many dubious reopening decisions are being made around the world. France is a particularly egregious example, with only a third of the population having been vaccinated - I'll be watching the headlines in a couple of weeks. In the U.S., the CDC's decision to allow vaccinated people to go without masks in a country where so many people are hostile to the very idea of wearing one, and the resumption of mass gatherings while vaccinations are stalling, are very American in their individualistic stupidity - and I know Americans, I'm married to one. Then there is Sweden which, uncharacteristically, tried to give its people more "freedom" and ended up with a death rate 4 times that of Norway and Finland.

As for Ontario, I am less interested in anectodes about psychological distress than in the hundreds of people who are now hospitalized and incapable of breathing on their own, and the thousands of others who are sick and suffering. Among them is my business partner, with a serious case of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Now unable to urinate on his own, he's had a catheter 24 hours a day for 6 weeks because surgeries have been halted due to the colossal ineptitude of the Ontario government, whose restrictions were indeed unreasonable - because they weren't strict enough to begin with, or lifted too soon, thereby extending the pandemic and its consequences. The only solution is to crush COVID with serious restrictions and accelerated vaccinations.
It was possible. Australia did it and so did we on 9/11 (operation yellow ribbon).

All they would have needed to do is close the border crossings, ports and shut down all airports for anything but military or humanitarian flights.

Trudeau didn't close the borders because in their mind you can't prevent Canadians from returning home.

It has been done during times of global emergency in the past. It could have been done now.

By shutting down Canadian airspace, curtailing VIA rail and closing the borders we could have limited spread and the entry of new cases into Canada.

The post-mortem on Covid-19 in Canada will likely bring substantial change and topple a few governments.
I do remember during a Lebannon war all those Canadian passport holders who actually lived in Lebannon insisting on returning to Canada at the government's expense. The government has to cater to passport holders regardless of common sense. Canadian citizens can get a virus just as easily as any foreigner can. The government didn't want to deny a Canadian entry because, God help us, the Supreme Court would have told the little darlings their civil liberties were being infringed upon. I hope we do change as a society.
Vietnam did amazingly well so far at keeping COVID out and not spreading. They're spiking now though:
I mean...that's still pretty low overall, but I hope it doesn't get out of hand over there.

So far only about 1% of people there have received first dose:
Public Health is always hard to get funding for; when it works 'nothing happens' which, to some, means they are unnecessary. Remember in 2019 Ford wanted to merge almost all the public health units, thank god there was enough resistance to stop that. We MAY not need quite as many as we have but local knowledge is vital.

Even then, Doug Ford made things worse on the health care front. See link for just the list up to November 20, 2019.

See link for the latest problems on health care with Doug Ford.
It is completely inappropriate (and unconstitutional) to deny Canadians entry. We could and possibly should have imposed mandatory supervised quarantine like Australia and NZ. Closing the border entirely was a complete non-starter unless you want the North American economy to collapse and cause severe shortages of essential goods.
Three words: Public health emergency.
That is not seen as sufficient reason to stop Canadians returning home according to most constitutional lawyers @afansen is correct to say that quarantine procedures could have (legally) been much stricter but .....

I notice you do not try to answer my other question!
Reassuring that the Trump-alikes in Canada are safely neutralized by supporting the PPC, and not going to exercise much influence on the CPC, which is at risk of forming government.
Of all the articles that I have read about Covid-19 over the last year (and I have read many) the most important one is this one that I just read today! : "The Drug that Cracked Covid" :

It is a very lengthy article but I urge everyone to read it. If you or a loved one is ever stricken by Covid-19 you will be thankful for the information contained in this article.

One of the subjects in the article is a woman in her 80's from Buffalo NY who contracted Covid last December. She soon was put on a ventilator - normally a death sentence for someone of that age. In a valiant effort to save her life Doctors administered Remdesivir at $3,000 per dose but it had ZERO beneficial effect. - time was running out!

The family was almost without hope until one day one family member heard about a world renowned New York critical care pulmonologist Dr Pierre Kory who had been achieving amazing results by administering an off-the-shelf generic drug that cost just pennies per dose (a drug sold over-the-counter in France). From the article:

"But Jan heard him. After a few minutes of watching the interview with Dr. Kory on New Year’s Day morning, she’d heard quite enough. Her fingers flew on a text to her daughter, Haley: “This is the drug Michael’s mother needs to be!!!!...You need to take charge of Nonnis healing.”

Haley showed the text to her husband. But Michael Smentkiewicz wasn’t interested. He was skeptical. A doctor selling a “miracle drug” for COVID on the Internet sounded awfully fishy. “This channel is telling you, ‘You gotta take Ivermectin,’ but you got people like QAnon, conspiracists, telling you what to take,” he said. He and his sister returned to the hospital parking lot to pray, and floated a cluster of mylar balloons, including a pink heart, up to their mother’s window. But nothing was working. Finally, he watched the video, and thought Kory was “incredible,” with top credentials, “and his passion is crazy.” Within minutes, “I called the ICU and told the attending physician, ‘We want my mother to be on this medication.’”

The doctor said no. Ivermectin wasn’t approved for COVID-19, and “we don’t experiment on our patients.” But Michael pushed harder. “I’m a bull,” he said. After several back and forths, a hospital administrator gave approval for one dose, 15 milligrams of Ivermectin. Less than twenty-four hours later, “Mom is off the ventilator.”

The story didn't end there. The hospital refused to administer more doses of Ivermectin and the family had to go to court. Luckily a judge sided with the family and their mother made a full recovery.

This is just a small taste of what is in the article. I hope everyone will take time to read it.
I think ivermectin is already used in Canada, but there is a shortage of supply.
That is not seen as sufficient reason to stop Canadians returning home according to most constitutional lawyers @afansen is correct to say that quarantine procedures could have (legally) been much stricter but .....

I notice you do not try to answer my other question!
You would think if people want equality than all Canadian citizens being treated the same as foreigners would be more desirable than saying only foreigners can carry the disease therefore Canadian citizens and permanent residents would myteriously be immune and allowed to land. I referred to the situation in Lebannon when Canadian passport holders, some who were born in Lebannon, owned property and lived there, suddenly pulled out their Canadian passports and demanded to be brought back to Canada. If that isn't an example of prejudice I don't know what is. How does a Canadian passport make you immune to a virus?
How does a Canadian passport make you immune to a virus?
That is one of the strangest and most bizarre leaps of 'logic' and wildly grabbing other totally different questions like the repatriation of citizens that I have seen recently and raises somethings that nobody suggested. The thing about viruses is that the can and do affect everyone.

All countries have the right to say who can or cannot enter their country and under what conditions. Non-citizens ('foreigners) can be kept out completely or only allowed in under conditions: a visa, a cash fee, a medical test etc. Citizens normally have a right to enter their own country (and most constitutional scholars say this applies in Canada) but even then the government can impose conditions: you must enter through an approved place, for example and , in a public health situation, you must prove you are healthy and/or quarantine for x days. Were (or are) the quarantine rules for citizens imposed properly and universally, no. But THAT'S a quite different question.
