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Metrolinx: Presto Fare Card

I think Presto is a decent system that will have wide positive influences on transit adoption/use.....I just think that anyone involved in the roll-out should either be fired or (as I have said before) be forced to spend a week with the people who invented the Tim Card and try to understand how simple dollar loading to a card really can be.
The MTO PRESTO team is being rolled over into Metrolinx jurisdiction now. I think a few 'key decision makers' might not make the transition, but with the development team in-house, Metrolinx at least now has more options than just to throw up their hands and say "it's not our responsibility".
Except if, as I did, you think "I will set up an auto-reload long before I need to so that when they finally introduce the system at my station I will be ready."

You see no where in the setting up the auto reload system (well, back then...perhaps they fixed it now I don't know) does it tell you that after you do the stuff on-line you have to go to a checker machine and touch your card...AND that this has to be done no sooner than 24 hours after setting up an auto reload but no later than 7 days after doing so.

If you miss that window (as I did because I was just getting ready.....and could not actually use it) your auto-reload status "freezes" can't make any amendments to the auto-reload can't cancel that auto-reload online....really, you have disabled the auto-reload function until such time as you call Presto have them "unfreeze" it and start the "no sooner than 24 hours after setting up an auto reload but no later than 7 days" process again.

I think Presto is a decent system that will have wide positive influences on transit adoption/use.....I just think that anyone involved in the roll-out should either be fired or (as I have said before) be forced to spend a week with the people who invented the Tim Card and try to understand how simple dollar loading to a card really can be.

I had exactly the experience you had... I called them 3 times until someone told me this. It's really only designed for people who take the train to and from Union on a daily basis.
Except if, as I did, you think "I will set up an auto-reload long before I need to so that when they finally introduce the system at my station I will be ready."
Yeah ... that can in itself be an unnecessarily painful process. No point setting up the reload until you know you'll be near a balance checker regularly. And somewhat frustrating how many times you have to go and tap in to get the whole process working.

But once it is working, it's very painless.
Presto is really blitzing Brampton Transit. When I was at Bramalea Transit Terminal (near the mall) yesterday, they basically sold a Presto card to each of the 20 people ahead of me in line (and this wasn't a peak time either) and they had people all oer the terminal too.
I think Presto is a decent system that will have wide positive influences on transit adoption/use.....I just think that anyone involved in the roll-out should either be fired or (as I have said before) be forced to spend a week with the people who invented the Tim Card and try to understand how simple dollar loading to a card really can be.

I've used PRESTO for almost 9 months now. I like it. I set up an autoload - no more lining up to buy passes. In each of the past 8 months, when I compared what I paid on PRESTO vs. what I would have paid with 10-ride or monthly passes, I always came out cheaper with PRESTO for the month. No more deciding each month what I should buy and then kicking myself at the end of the months when I bought a monthly pass and should have bought 10 ride tickets instead.

Comparing the PRESTO card to a Tim Hortons card I don't believe is fair - they are completely different technologies (as I understand it). A Tim Hortons card doesnt carry a dollar balance on it - it is stored on a central computer somewhere. The PRESTO card carries the balance on the card and you can even query your last 10 transactions at one of the balance checker machines located in most GO stations. WHen I called PRESTO to ask some technical questions, I was called back by a technician on the project and he told me that the system was designed for speed, to accomdate a high passenger flow. Its not that quick at a Tim Hortons store when multiple people in front of you are paying with their Tim Horton's card.

I also met someone who is on the roll-out team and they explained the strategy they chose for implementing PRESTO. I've been doing deployments for many years now and after listening to many of the challenges they are facing, I was impresssed. I only wish I had the luxury to stage implementation of some of our systems where I work - I'm sure we would have had more luck with our deployments. I hope the PRESTO system stays around. I personally haven't had any problems with it and I would miss it if they abandoned it. Just my two cents.
I agree - I have been using the Presto card since it came to my GO station and it has been very useful. I had the default set to Union and Richmond Hill at Customer Service at Union. No problems at all. It does save trying to find the change for TTC and GO and lets me bypass the lineups at the subway stations. I am eagerly waiting for it to be implemented on YRT (when that will be who knows, but it hopeully will be before the end of summer). As someone who uses all three systems, it will be a real bonus!
Been using PRESTO for a while now, and really like it. I do have a preset station set, but use the override at least once a week. I've also tapped on at various TTC stations (for a friend). It's about damn time that Toronto got a farecard system. I just wish that I could combine it with my metropass in some way.
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I would love to see Presto work with Google, Visa, etc. to get Presto on electronic wallets like Google Wallet or Visa's e-wallet.
Been using PRESTO for a while now, and really like it. I do have a preset station set, but use the override at least once a week. I've also tapped on at various TTC stations (for a friend). It's about damn time that Toronto got a farecard system. I just wish that I could combine it with my metropass in some way.

THIS...In the morning I have to catch a TTC bus to get to finch, then I take the subway to queen's park, so while on ym way back from work, I can use solely the Presto card without any hassle. On my way to work, I'd have to pay a fare to get on the TTC bus going towards Finch. I guess I could purchase tokens for the morning commute, but then I feel like that's jsut more hassle than it's worth to go this route. The second the TTC gets on board I'm jumping on this like a fat kid jumps on a cupcake. It would allow me to use either the local YRT route to get to Finch if i was too lazy to walk to the TTC bus, or use the TTC.
THIS...In the morning I have to catch a TTC bus to get to finch, then I take the subway to queen's park, so while on ym way back from work, I can use solely the Presto card without any hassle. On my way to work, I'd have to pay a fare to get on the TTC bus going towards Finch. I guess I could purchase tokens for the morning commute, but then I feel like that's jsut more hassle than it's worth to go this route. The second the TTC gets on board I'm jumping on this like a fat kid jumps on a cupcake. It would allow me to use either the local YRT route to get to Finch if i was too lazy to walk to the TTC bus, or use the TTC.
It has a lot of potential. Better connectivity with the TTC would be nice, and ironing out some of the bugs with the override button would be great. It still messes up occasionally, but definitely not as frequently as it once was. The biggest thing about it that I like is that I'm not forced to choose between a monthly GO pass or a ten-ride. I don't necessarily take the train everyday, but sometimes I do, and it's great to be able to take advantage of the savings. Last month I had $0 rides multiple time. Yahoo!
Well!! the first week of Presto service in Mississauga has yet to produce a rider using the system on any of the 5 routes I have been on.

There has been no promotion of it nor anything about the fare structure for it. I see no one getting any free rides after X trips on a month scale as MT is going after that last cent you have to cover its cost.

You are not going to get the full 2 hr transfer use, unless you get on at the start of the route, as regular transfers are being used.

Well!! the first week of Presto service in Mississauga has yet to produce a rider using the system on any of the 5 routes I have been on.

There has been no promotion of it nor anything about the fare structure for it. I see no one getting any free rides after X trips on a month scale as MT is going after that last cent you have to cover its cost. The co-fare between MT and GO is also activated already.

You are not going to get the full 2 hr transfer use, unless you get on at the start of the route, as regular transfers are being used.


There is no promotion for it yet because they are waiting for a major promo that is coming up. It will feature ads all across the GTA to promote Presto. No point spending money every time it rolls out on an individual transit system when you can wait a few weeks for most to come on board and have a big blitz.

As for the transfers, you are only given a paper transfer if you pay with tickets or change. If you are using Presto, you have two hours from when you first tap to make transfers. The card automatically takes that into account. Its also posted on the MiWay website.
Well!! the first week of Presto service in Mississauga has yet to produce a rider using the system on any of the 5 routes I have been on.

There has been no promotion of it nor anything about the fare structure for it. I see no one getting any free rides after X trips on a month scale as MT is going after that last cent you have to cover its cost. The co-fare between MT and GO is also activated already.

You are not going to get the full 2 hr transfer use, unless you get on at the start of the route, as regular transfers are being used.


There is no promotion for it yet because they are waiting for a major promo that is coming up. It will feature ads all across the GTA to promote Presto. No point spending money every time it rolls out on an individual transit system when you can wait a few weeks for most to come on board and have a big blitz.

As for the transfers, you are only given a paper transfer if you pay with tickets or change. If you are using Presto, you have two hours from when you first tap to make transfers. The card automatically takes that into account. The fare deducted on MiWay is the ticket price ($2.50), so you are saving 50 cents every time you use Presto vs. using cash. Passes will be activated at a later date.

All the info is available on the MiWay website.
Stepped out the door this morning to notice the main headline on today's Toronto Star is:

TTC to give Presto cards green light

Looks like TTC will adopt Presto ... if they can find the money. Possibly starting with the subway.

It's good that it looks like this will be sorted out before they start putting the new streetcar fare collection units on vehicles and at stops.
