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Greyhound: Apart from that, how was your experience today?

The Toronto bus terminal isn't that bad. I think this is because it is run by the TTC (yes, we deride it for maintenance and management, but it is still managed better than most Greyhound terminals - the Port Authority in New York and the NFTA in Buffalo don't do too badly either. The London Greyhound terminal is Greyhound-run and it is a bit of a dive.

And of course, we mustn't forget the characteristic Greyhound quick fix for terminal terminal blight (dupe'd word intentional)--rather than building brighter, better-monitored modern urban terminals, banishing themselves to metal shed bus-garage add-ons in the industrial periphery. (Excellent example on the aforementioned Calgary-Vancouver route: Kamloops.)

Last I remember (mid-90s), even the Calgary Greyhound terminal embodied a lot of the problems: presumably intended as a state-of-the-art 80s showpiece, yet totally insular within an incoherent sea of highway ramps, and a long walk from the nearest C-train stop...
Metrolinx is responsible for the proposed Harbour Street bus terminal, and if they decide to go ahead with it, that is precisely the direction they should go. It shouldn't be just a bus terminal. It should be a "welcome centre" complete with shopping, tourist information and other amenities.

It would be much better to use the GO Bus Terminal and dig under the tracks for more room. Build connections to expand the PATH system to seamlessly integrate the area.
The Greyhound Bus insanity-and now Fred Phelps and his zealots want to do WHAT?

Ganjavih and all here: I have followed this story somewhat-I feel that the perpetrator of this insane crime has obviously serious mental troubles to do what he did-the victim was in the classic "Wrong place at the wrong time" and quite possibly it could have happened anyplace-we can't knock Greyhound for this.

I remember Fred Phelps and his band of zealots protesting after high profile crimes involving gays-but those military protests and now this protest after this tragic death means to me that these guys are clearly going too far!
Canada Customs should turn them away at the border any way they can or those attending this funeral should do what they can to keep them away.

My opinion of them is that they are nothing but religious NAZIS and they are doing nothing but spewing hate in their twisted cause of religion!

This webpage alone speaks for itself:

Need I say more? Opinion from Long Island Mike
How dare they presume to protest at a young man's funeral? I find that just purely evil.
^ Just yet another strange religious tradition, that's all.
This has nothing to do with religion. They're just a bunch of real life trolls looking for as much publicity as they can get. Chances are they won't even get into the country. They've tried once, and that ended in them all being arrested and told they'd be charged if they ever entered Canada again. See, we have laws against hate speech that are more strict than our American neighbours.
I don't know, but there's a part of me that worries that this fellow is going to avoid a long prison sentence, but instead will end up in a mental institution for only a few years until he is sufficiently medicated and treated to the point where some panel of specialists deem he's no longer a threat, and then release him back into society. And when he neglects his meds, society had better watch out.

Begin quote here...... When a dog attacks and kills a person, we don't care if the dog was crazy or just plain mean and aggressive. We put that dog away forever (in the case of dogs, that means death, but with people, it should means life, until natural death, in prison). The same should be applied here with people. It doesn't matter if I murder my handicapped kid in some sort of mercy killing, or if I chop a guy's head off on a bus because I'm crazy, or abduct a kid rape and murder them, or anything in between. If you're convicted of 2nd or 1st degree murder, then you should be in jail forever, until your natural death. Manslaughter can be more lenient, but for murder, there's no get out of jail card. Of course, the lawyers would then make sure that every lunatic, drunk driver or whatever never got a murder conviction, but for those that do, lock 'em away forever, same as the dogs that kill people, we don't care why, we just care that they're stopped.

So, how are we going to pay for all these lifers? Well, for a start, get the non-violent offenders out of jail.
I for one do not know what the "right" thing to do is. That being said, it can often be quite clear when a "wrong" thing to do is being suggested. To me, the idea of seeking revenge equal in kind to the crime, and to do so in the name of society, somehow makes us all into killers no different than the perpetrator. I don't want to kill people, and I don't want people killed in my name as some form of revenge. I can understand that there is a visceral desire to do something, but I'm not sure what would be achieved by repeating the same crime.

As for dogs - and the "punishment" or control applied to them if they are aggressive or mentally defective - there is probably no chance that a dog's mental situation could ever be changed so that they could be reasoned with or could be made to understand the nature of their affliction, or the consequences of their actions. There is that possibility with a person - or at least we hold out that there is that possibility.

We invest much in people, and we try as much as possible to look upon their criminal and violent actions as an aberration that can be understood, and maybe treated. There is no guarantee that either will be achieved, but still, the effort to do so might net some result, some improvement, some understanding.

And maybe that's all we will ever get: some understanding of why this happened. It may not make us feel anything for the particular killer, but it may help us to one day understand something about what happens to minds that slip from normalcy to insanity or breakdown. Maybe then the first steps to being able to stop some of these things from happening can be taken.
So, how are we going to pay for all these lifers? Well, for a start, get the non-violent offenders out of jail.

Non-violent offence does not equate to offence with less societal impact. Why should they get an easy way out just because their violations against the law didn't result in bodily harm?

I remember Fred Phelps and his band of zealots protesting after high profile crimes involving gays-but those military protests and now this protest after this tragic death means to me that these guys are clearly going too far!

This is a common sentiment in the US and is probably one of the reasons these fools have been allowed to continue.
In other words, protesting gay funerals is OK, protesting a soldiers funeral is not.
Last I remember (mid-90s), even the Calgary Greyhound terminal embodied a lot of the problems: presumably intended as a state-of-the-art 80s showpiece, yet totally insular within an incoherent sea of highway ramps, and a long walk from the nearest C-train stop...

Calgary is Greyhounds headquarters, and the building is quite nice, all though really dated. The best feature is the heated loading area. And it will get a direct C-Train station in a couple years that'll link directly to the building.
This has nothing to do with religion.

It has everything to do with religion. Do you really think that the average religious person would actually disagree with the statement, "God hates fags"? Their hate is the result of religion, even though they are technically more like a cult. Remember, they protest many gays funerals without much incident. It was only until they protested soldiers funerals that the general public started to hate them.
It has everything to do with religion. Do you really think that the average religious person would actually disagree with the statement, "God hates fags"? Their hate is the result of religion, even though they are technically more like a cult.
Of course they would disagree with that. In my church, some of the most religious people there are gay.
