well, it's officially official....Toronto will host...from today's Star...
Toronto to host G20 summit next June
SEOUL, South Korea – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has announced that next year's all-important G-20 summit will be held in Toronto on June 26 and 27.
South Korea will host a second, related summit in Seoul, in November.
Canadian officials had hoped to hold a smaller G-8 the meeting in Huntsville and the larger G-20 meeting nearby, but the plan was deemed unworkable because of security issues.
Hosting a G20 summit implies finding at least 10,000 hotel rooms and ir-tight security for more than 30 international delegations. Huntsville has 1,000 rooms at most.
Already Ottawa has sunk $11 million into airport upgrades in North Bay, Ont., although no decision had been made on whether to fly international delegations through the northern city.