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G-20 Summit in Toronto

And it looks like justice was served... /sarcasm

G20 officer found not guilty on assault charges
Judge says only eyewitness in case was 'unreliable'

An Ontario Superior Court judge has acquitted Toronto police Const. Glenn Weddell on all assault charges arising from the G20 protests nearly three years ago.

Weddell was charged after Dorian Barton's shoulder was broken on June 26, 2010. Barton alleged that a police officer hit him with a riot shield, knocking him to the ground.

Weddell, the first Toronto officer to go on trial for charges stemming from the protests, pleaded not guilty to assault causing bodily harm and assault with a weapon.

The 49-year-old officer testified at the trial that the only contact he had with Barton on June 26 was to help him up off the ground.

Barton, 32, had gone to Queen's Park that day to survey the scene.

The only eyewitness in the case, Andrew Wallace, testified earlier this week that he saw Barton being "charged" by a police officer who assaulted him with his shield, knocking him over. He said the officer then struck Barton with his baton.

"It was disgusting," Wallace told the court.

In delivering his verdict today, Justice Gregory Ellies said Wallace was "unreliable," which left some reasonable doubt.

A video presented at the judge-only trial showed Barton already on the ground as an officer helps him up. He is then quickly surrounded by several other officers in riot gear.

Police proceed to usher Barton a few steps forward then one of the officers appears to shove him and he trips over a curb and falls to the ground again.

Weddell testified that he doesn't remember seeing anyone assault Barton, but noted that in the video it looks like another officer kicks Barton at one point while he's on the ground.

"It was more like, 'Get up, get out of here,"' Weddell testified. "That could be construed as assault, definitely, but it was more like a motivational thing ... I see that in the video."

In delivering his verdict today, Justice Gregory Ellies said while he had "concerns" about Weddell's testimony, he believes the officer would have remembered striking Barton.

Lucky for him, this guy's home address appears to be unlisted (either that, or he commutes in from Waterloo...)
In delivering his verdict today, Justice Gregory Ellies said while he had "concerns" about Weddell's testimony, he believes the officer would have remembered striking Barton.

This is about the most stupid thing that a judge can say! Justice Gregory Ellies concluded that because Weddell couldn't remember assaulting Barton he must be innocent because that is something Weddell would remember, i.e. Weddell must be innocent because he did not admit to his guilt!

This is why we should have court proceedings televised in Canada as they do in the United States. Canadian's need to see how our "justice" system works. We need to see and hear for ourselves idiot judges like Gregory Ellies. Somehow I think the outcome of this trial would have been different if Ellies action's weren't shielded by a television blackout.

Ever notice how - without exception - in every trial involving a cop the defendant opts for a trial by judge and not jury? There is a reason for that. Cops know that there are no shortages of corrupt and or stupid judges that they can intimidate into making an acquittal.

What is sickening is how the media is AWOL on this story. They should be shoving microphones in Judge Ellies face demanding an explanation for his inane verdict.
What is sickening is how the media is AWOL on this story. They should be shoving microphones in Judge Ellies face demanding an explanation for his inane verdict.
I haven't seen the verdict. Have you? I'm not sure I have the same trust you seem to have in CBC in accurately portraying it.
I haven't seen the verdict. Have you? I'm not sure I have the same trust you seem to have in CBC in accurately portraying it.

The Toronto Star reported virtually the same thing about the judges verdict:

The judge said Weddell’s lack of recollection of the events caused him concern, but added that the officer would remember assaulting Barton, if it indeed occurred.

As did the Globe & Mail :

Still, Ellies said, “I believe him when he says he did not strike Mr. Barton with his shield and knock him to the ground. That is something that I think he would remember.”

This is not a case of bad reporting. A judge actually did say something that stupid!

Also from the G&M article I find the comments from Barton's father to be interesting:

That prosecutors relied on testimony from a single witness rather than calling on the other officers who were present at the time shows they didn’t want to get to the bottom of the case, Barton’s father said in a phone interview Friday.

“If that’s all the Crown is going to present is one witness without anybody else, we felt it was doomed right there,” Ted Burley said, adding he and his son were surprised that so many questions were allowed to remain unanswered.

“If it wasn’t Weddell, who was it? That’s the question that should’ve been asked of multiple officers,” he said.

This is what happens when a cop is charged. All the players in the justice system work together to bring about an acquittal. From corrupt or stupid judges who will render the most ridiculous decisions to Crown Prosecutors who mount the weakest of cases.

It seems incredible to me that the Crown Prosecutors did not put one witness cop on the stand. With the issue of cops lying under-oath in the spotlight recently was the Crown trying to save the witness cops from committing perjury?

It should be obvious that this trial was a complete sham and I hope that there are demands for a re-trial. In addition the crown prosecutors must be fired and the judge kicked off the bench!


I just read this comment on the G&M site which sums up perfectly the judges actions:

12:17 PM on May 31, 2013

The Justice's comments that the Officer would have remembered striking the guy who is charging him with assault begs credulity.

Judge: Sir, do you remember robbing that bank?

Defendant: No your worship, I don't remember it at all.

Judge: Thank-you sir. Not guilty!
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The police will do whatever they feel like without any consequences. They are protected.
Think DiManno's article sums this up perfectly:

What does it take to convict a cop? asks DiManno
A judge wouldn't convict Const. Glenn Weddell of a G20 assault, but police took no chances with a civil settlement.

The evidence against Const. Glenn Weddell wasn’t good enough for an Ontario Superior Court judge.
That exact same evidence won Dorian Barton a civil suit settlement from the Toronto Police department which employs Weddell.
The dollar figure can’t be disclosed because of confidentiality agreements. Let us just say it was substantial, though not rising to the $250,000 which had been sought.
Of course, the standard of proof is not as high in a civil proceeding. But this suit never went to court. Presumably, police lawyers looked at what was before them — photographic evidence from an incident during the G20 protests at Queen’s Park — and made a calculated decision to fold and pay up.
One is left wondering: What does it take to criminally convict a Toronto cop on assault charges?
That’s actually a rhetorical question. I’ve covered enough cases to know how high the standard of proof must be, which is way beyond the threshold applied against civilians. Doesn’t matter if it’s a jury or judge alone trial — the odds are stacked because the system is stacked.
On one side are all the good folks who represent law and order, a constituency that, by definition, includes the judge and the Crown — the latter appointed by a Crown Office that works closely with police officers in the prosecution of countless cases. On the other side is the complainant, held to disproportionate standards of credibility.
Thus we are to believe — as Justice M. Gregory Ellies concluded — that Weddell did not strike Barton with his shield or his baton during the chaotic demonstration on June 26, 2010, wherein Barton’s shoulder was broken. Indeed, Weddell testified last week that he was merely helping Barton get up from the pavement. “I’m picking him up by his shirt and getting him out of the area,’’ the 49-year-old officer told his lawyer under direct examination. “I’m asking him to leave or he’ll be arrested.’’
He denied hitting Barton with a riot shield or baton, as had been alleged.
So maybe Weddell should never have been charged — which occurred only after the Special Investigations Unit receiving supporting evidence from the public. Indeed, maybe Weddell deserves a commendation for his thoughtfulness. You think?
Weddell said he approached Barton with shield raised to protect himself, in case the civilian became violent. Barton had not been doing anything remotely threatening; he was taking pictures of mounted officers at the protest, which quickly disintegrated into a shocking show of force by law enforcement against peaceful demonstrators — at a location where they had expressly been told to move their civil protest.
Barton testified he was struck at least five times, suffering a broken shoulder, a black eye, bruises, sprains, cuts and scratches. There are photographs that document those injuries. Yet it was Barton who was originally charged with obstructing police and taking part in an unlawful demonstration — charges that were dropped two months later.
There were no photos that explicitly show Wendell or any other officer hitting Barton. And Barton could not identify the cop (or cops) who struck him.
But there were photos, there was video, of the moments surrounding that alleged incident. A bystander recorded the event and latter submitted his evidence to the SIU. That was Andrew Wallace, a hospital worker and amateur photograph who’d never met Barton before. Apart from Barton, Wallace was the only witness called by the prosecution — despite the fact Weddell had emerged from a line of officers moving toward the demonstrators. Those other cops might have seen exactly what happened but not one of them came forward and not one of them was subpoenaed to testify against a colleague. Nor did the Crown call upon an expert witness to establish the fact of Barton’s injuries.
Barton could not identify the officer who struck him. Wallace did — and was called a liar by the defence.
The defence lawyer, Peter Brauti, further painted Wallace as an individual with an axe to grind against all cops, animosity arising from a wrongful accusation of sexual assault more than 15 years ago. If I were wrongly accused of sexual assault — or any assault — I’d have some animosity too. What this has to do with an incident all these years later is mystifying, except that cop lawyers will plumb any depth to absolve their clients — because it works.
Wallace testified he saw the whole thing. He took photos, including a couple in which Waddell is identifiable. In his judgment, Ellies wrote: “There is no video or photographic evidence which depicts the moment that Mr. Barton was knocked to the ground. All of that real evidence begins with him already being there.”
Ellies emphasized discrepancies in Wallace’s testimony. But most problematic, apparently, was that one image was missing in the sequential numbers on the digital version of photographs taken. Wallace said he didn’t remember deleting any photos, with Brauti asserting that, huh, it must have been exculpatory then.
Yet Weddell told court he remembered virtually nothing of his interactions with Barton that day — oh, except, I guess, kindly helping him up. And his peculiar memory lapse is accepted as credibility-boosting.
“(W)ith respect to this part of the events of June 26, I accept his evidence and reject that of Mr. Wallace,” Ellies writes. “I believe him when he says he did not strike Mr. Barton with his shield and knock him to the ground. That is something that I think he would remember. I have no difficulty accepting that evidence over the evidence of Mr. Wallace.”
That’s really the crux of the thing and why Weddell was acquitted on charges of aggravated assault and assault with a weapon: The cop is believed; a civilian isn’t.
Wallace declined an interview request from the Star over the weekend. But, following Friday’s verdict, he sent an email to Barton’s father, assuring he had no regrets about testifying despite the attack on his character.
“It was the right thing to do. I just wish things had turned out better. I’m sorry Dorian, you and the rest of your family didn’t get justice.”
Nope, all Dorian Barton got was a heap of money.
Officer Weddell is not guilty, a judge decided. Toronto Police must have thought otherwise.
The next G20 trial of an officer begins today.

Something to remember that they don't have to prove that he did it, just beyond a reasonable doubt. DiManno's analysis of the case certainly suggests that this requirement was met. Here is what we have: photo evidence of this cop (along with others) at the scene, visual testimony of this cop laying the injuring blow, and a victim who has medical records to prove that such injuries did occur at this incident. The only defence the cop has is his word, and unfortunately for him it should not be enough to combat the mountain of evidence against him. Even if it did become a case of 'he said she said,' which is what this judge brought it down to, the cop has far more incentive to lie as his career is on the line.

Did this judge want DNA evidence like in CSI? Or even if he got that, perhaps the glove simply didn't fit? It is clear that Barton did not get a fair and impartial trial, and I am shocked that there hasn't been discussion about an appeal to higher courts.

Which brings me to my final point: what does the system see in protecting cops like this? Honestly, it cannot be just unions at play here. It is not as if this guy has any special credentials which makes him irreplaceable, there's countless good law abiding citizens in need of a job who could be fine police officers - while not being a dick on the job. Bonus is that these officers would not cause unnecessary lawsuits against the department, which means more money for employee salaries, which means it benefits the union to let these bad apples go. I'm not saying that every cop should be fired for every small mistake they may make, but there is no question that a fair share of cops have no interest in serving the public or to bring honour to the badge they wear everyday.
