Yes but why should European culture considered more important than other cultures? That is what is offensive, this idea that white culture is somehow better or more important than non-white culture. Europeans are not even the first people to come to the Americas.
Culture is a set of ideas, and can therefore be practiced by everyone if racism did not exist.
There is no such thing as "white culture", a culture does not belong to any race. When a white man uses chopsticks, is he defying his nature? If an "Asian" woman speaks English better than any Asian language, has she "lost her culture"? When a "Black" person does "Native American" art, are they less qualified than a person of "Native American" race just because they didn't choose the right parents? No, people have the freewill to choose what culture (ideas) they adopt.
What IS racist is assuming that certain countries, cultures, and traditions belong to certain races. Most of south-Saharan Africa is based on cultures centered around subsistence-farming. Do you multiculturalists consider it racist to industrialize their countries and change their millenia-old ways of life?
I am non-White too and I do not see a contradiction when I say that North America is my only homeland and American culture my only culture. If you come to my country, be prepared for your children to become Canadians. Ethnicity stops at the border. If you identify with and love the people and/or culture of China, India, Russia, France, etc. more than that of Canada, then you are not Canadian.
DaimonAugustus said:
You are obviously Western yourself in the way you think. The kind of relativism that you seem to defend has its roots in the western world. And I really don't see anything offensive in that fact.
Shh! Don't tell multiculturalists that! They will think that you are accusing them of being "white-washed" self-hating minorities! Brown people are supposed to approach philosophy in a brown way, White people are supposed to think in a White way, etc, and anyone who doesn't follow the thinking pattern assigned to their race obviously has identity issues (bananas (yellow on the outside, white on the inside), eggs (white outside, yellow inside), oreos (black outside, white inside)).
(that was sarcasm in case anyone didn't notice)
I bet that a lot of people think that your ideas of Quebec for the Quebeckers is racist because they are assuming that Quebecois culture is reserved for White people, and that the only way to not be racist is to not have a national culture.