One of my neighbours got this info from the City:
650 Bay St., has a municipal address of 55 Elm St.
Currently there are two building permits for this building.
Permit # 11 188652 BLD , was issued on June 2/2011 and is for interior alterations.
The other building permit, permit # 11 245945 Bld, which was issued on August 10/2011 covers interior alterations to create a restaurant under 30 seats at the ground floor level.
The exterior work which consists of repair work to the existing brickwork, installation of new windows in existing openings and installation of new tile cladding to the exterior of the east and north elevations does not require a building permit.
A permit # 54549001 has been obtained from Transportation Services Right-Away to erect scaffold, for overhead protection of the pedestrian sidewalk at the east and north side of this building while the exterior work is taking place.