Richmond Hill Yonge Line 1 North Subway Extension | ?m | ?s | Metrolinx

The Liberals promised funding for the DRL in last years budget, which they then used to fight the election on, picking up extra seats downtown.

I can't see them not at least partially funding either line. But surely the next decision point on the DRL comes after the current pre-EA study is completed in late 2015 or early 2016.

Seeing as how there's only like 1 billion left for the GTHA for the next 10 years from the province, where is the money going to come from to fund the rest of it? I don't see Toronto's cheap self chipping in. How much DRL can you build with 1 billion?
I thought it was hard set that the City's focus for the DRL is the section between St Andrew and Pape. Everything outside of that is Metrolinx territory (and probably unrelated to the City/TTC Relief Line).

Re: my +$4bn estimate. I think that's an apt number to use. If the project were to use, say, 2017 dollars. Wouldn't $4bn seem about right?
I'll grant that $4b is far from a crazy guess.

The drl and Yonge extension should be next in line now that GO and Hurontario are on the books. Whether they actually are... Well clearly neither revenue tools nor apolitical transit planning are in the near future so who knows...
The Liberals promised funding for the DRL in last years budget, which they then used to fight the election on, picking up extra seats downtown.

There is still a bit of money left. Not all of GO's $13.5B will come from the GTA funding portion (both Kitchener and Barrie are outside the GTA and will be allocated a part of the Yard/Electrical/rolling stock cost as well). Neither Metrolinx or the province have said it will; that's an assumption/statement made by reporters. Aggressive accounting, such as assigning Barrie a portion of the rail-rail grade separation cost, could free up $2B+ in the GTA portion.

That said, I expect we'll see an Eglinton LRT extension west before the DRL. I assume an EA will reject GO westbound tunnel under Eglinton.
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Doesn't this subway depend on the DRL being built, and with no funding for the DRL I don't see this being built anytime soon.

Doesn't GO RER reduce the requirement for a DRL to give the Yonge line the OK?
Doesn't GO RER reduce the requirement for a DRL to give the Yonge line the OK?

I have the same feeling too. Smart track has pushed back the timeline that we need a DRL. Many presses and opinion articles have expressed that, though by long term this route would still be needed, but it's "long term".
The drl and Yonge extension should be next in line now that GO and Hurontario are on the books. Whether they actually are... Well clearly neither revenue tools nor apolitical transit planning are in the near future so who knows...
Since it's the province of Ontario....Don't forget Hamilton LRT (~$800M). Although we'll probably be delaying the "ask" a few years, from what I'm hearing.
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still count me in the camp of them only building to Steeles, it may allow them to extend it towards York without having to build the DRL.

If they can get the DRL built and the full funding for this entire line, great. But I find that just a bit too costly.

I agree. They've already blown through the $15 Billion allocation for transit funds. I doubt we're going to see another $6 Billion for RL and all of YN.
Doesn't GO RER reduce the requirement for a DRL to give the Yonge line the OK?

The DTRES studied a line similar to SmartTrack, and it found that in actually increased usage of Yonge south of Bloor and increased crowding at Union, ironically, further necessitating a DRL. We'll have to wait to see what the new studies say.
Was that money part of the $29B transit fund? Because even though the GTHA portion of that has recently been increased to $16B....all but $900 million has been spent in the last couple of days.
The budget speech didn't get into that level of detail.

It's also not clear from the government that the fund is exhausted. That's speculation. There's still future transit development that outside that $29B - Sheppard East and Finch West LRT for one.
The DTRES studied a line similar to SmartTrack, and it found that in actually increased usage of Yonge south of Bloor and increased crowding at Union, ironically, further necessitating a DRL. We'll have to wait to see what the new studies say.

I'm not sure that crowding at Union would necessitate the DRL though. Northbound from Union in the AM has quite a bit of capacity left. It's southbound in the AM from Bloor that's the problem. The riders in question would be going counter-flow, in essence. The Union capacity problem should hopefully not be a problem once the improvements are done.
TTC is under no obligation to operate the thing. Give that this extension will push Line 1 to 2/3 of route capacity at Finch Station, it's not inconceivable that the TTC would refuse to sign off on this.

this extension provides very little benefit to the City of Toronto, so I don't see why Council would okay it if the TTC said no to it.
