Toronto Vü Condos | 83.51m | 24s | Aspen Ridge | Hariri Pontarini

a serious injection of brick and a unique building. can't wait for the tower.
^Fake stone look. This complex is too fussy, trying too hard to please everyone. It's like those tacky brick and "stone" mcmansions they're building these days, with different facades facing the street and backyard. In the end, the result looks fake, aka, suburban, like the stone look was an afterthought. Mozo or Rezen down the street is a much better model to follow.

I'm beginning to realize Pontarini is used to designing homes for the nouveau riche rather than larger structures like Vu.

(Playing Hume here: Grade: C)
I think VU looks great. Nice materials. Polite, contextual, very Toronto, in the best sense. Wait until it's finished before passing final judgement, urbandreamer. I'm sure everything will be pulled together into a cohesive whole. Thanks for the pics.
. . . and no matter what, it's far, far better than what it replaced. A one story low rent operation being replaced by two towers and with high podium on a prime downtown corner. Pretty good, in my books.
... unless you were buying boots in Buy the Pound to ship to Africa - in which case you now have to go out to Scarborough.
Vü in (Stop-) Motion

I don't think there is a way to embed video in these posts. If you click on the image it will take you to a time-lapse movie I made, capturing a 2 hour walk around of the Vü construction site on Thursday evening, June 4, 2009. Enjoy!

