Brampton UPtowns at Heart Lake | ?m | 4s | VANDYK

Prices have come way down since the highs .. gov going to increase rates once more this year. Vandyk probably waiting for the market to hit rock bottom and secure cheaper trades post-crash. I bet 2024 spring they start building , completion spring 2025.
Prices have come way down since the highs .. gov going to increase rates once more this year. Vandyk probably waiting for the market to hit rock bottom and secure cheaper trades post-crash. I bet 2024 spring they start building , completion spring 2025.
Fingers crossed. But for that they need to get approval for building permit. We need to push Vandyk and report our concern from our end. I have contacted Brampton for more details on the permit. Let's see, if they come up with anything. I checked permits for few new builds, normally they would get it in few months. I am not sure why our permit has been pending for more than 2 years. Let's wait and see.

Please find the permit details in this link.
Fingers crossed. But for that they need to get approval for building permit. We need to push Vandyk and report our concern from our end. I have contacted Brampton for more details on the permit. Let's see, if they come up with anything. I checked permits for few new builds, normally they would get it in few months. I am not sure why our permit has been pending for more than 2 years. Let's wait and see.

Please find the permit details in this link.
I think bob mention permits has time limits? So maybe thats why they aint pushing hard to get..i tried calling again today only VM. bs
I sent copy of my agreement and explain all to my Local MPP lets see what he does..
I think bob mention permits has time limits? So maybe thats why they aint pushing hard to get..i tried calling again today only VM. bs
I sent copy of my agreement and explain all to my Local MPP lets see what he does..
They got permit for site servicing on April 2021 and I remember they started working on excavation on May 2021. So we could hope, once they get approval for building, Vandyk would start work immediately. That's is the only positive, I can think off.

But still on lot of things Vandyk is trying to fool purchasers:

1. If they are waiting for permit, they need to be open about it. Now it is evident no work is going on due to permit issue. But still they were standing in their ground saying it is an active construction site and traders are working there.
2. Their initial occupancy date was 2020 and they applied for permit only on January 2021. I am not sure, why they didn't do that well before. So they don't even have plan to complete construction by 2020 (if we ask that, they would say COVI as an excuse. But I am talking about well before COVID. If their plan to complete by Dec 2020, they would have gotten approval well before COVID).
3. Overall they are sketchy and not reliable. Even now they are not truthful in their communication.

If you want to talk to Dominck, don't call from your mobile number. Call from some unknown number, he would pick up. It worked for me last week.
They got permit for site servicing on April 2021 and I remember they started working on excavation on May 2021. So we could hope, once they get approval for building, Vandyk would start work immediately. That's is the only positive, I can think off.

But still on lot of things Vandyk is trying to fool purchasers:

1. If they are waiting for permit, they need to be open about it. Now it is evident no work is going on due to permit issue. But still they were standing in their ground saying it is an active construction site and traders are working there.
2. Their initial occupancy date was 2020 and they applied for permit only on January 2021. I am not sure, why they didn't do that well before. So they don't even have plan to complete construction by 2020 (if we ask that, they would say COVI as an excuse. But I am talking about well before COVID. If their plan to complete by Dec 2020, they would have gotten approval well before COVID).
3. Overall they are sketchy and not reliable. Even now they are not truthful in their communication.

If you want to talk to Dominck, don't call from your mobile number. Call from some unknown number, he would pick up. It worked for me last week.
Pass site todat at 11:00am nothing no one.
Pass site todat at 11:00am nothing no one.
I am afraid nothing would happen till they get permit. (I am afraid that they would even get permit)

Another issue is they are not paying traders as well.

Is there any way to sue them for not getting permits? Also to deceive buyers
I am afraid nothing would happen till they get permit. (I am afraid that they would even get permit)

Another issue is they are not paying traders as well.

Is there any way to sue them for not getting permits? Also to deceive buyers
Went to my local mpp to fill out Consent form to start the process of the file issue.. hopefully this get somewhere.. everyone should be doing this with their local MPP.
Good. I will try to do that next week
local MPP will need cooy purchase agreement then will request to go sign the consent form to authorize the mpp office to communicate with Vandyk addressing concerns. Need something to get going or just kiss your deposit goodbye !!!
local MPP will need cooy purchase agreement then will request to go sign the consent form to authorize the mpp office to communicate with Vandyk addressing concerns. Need something to get going or just kiss your deposit goodbye !!!
If they cancel the project, we will get deposits, I think. But because of our deposits are locked with them for these many years. We would lose much in opportunity costs.
If they cancel the project, we will get deposits, I think. But because of our deposits are locked with them for these many years. We would lose much in opportunity costs.
Lets hope so..If everyone in this thread strt with-local MPP i am sure something will get going!!
local MPP will need cooy purchase agreement then will request to go sign the consent form to authorize the mpp office to communicate with Vandyk addressing concerns. Need something to get going or just kiss your deposit goodbye !!!
Do we need to book an appointment to visit local MPP office? I sent an email but didn’t receive any response.
