Toronto Ryerson Student Learning Centre | 50.59m | 8s | Ryerson University | Zeidler

Apparently it isn't there. I suspect now that the Empress Hotel is gone any TTC connection will go there instead.

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Another view

Interior section plan:

Thanks to those who posted the images/sections etc.

Peter Kuitenbrouwer Apr 6, 2011 – 10:08 AM ET

Ryerson University holds a news conference at 10:30 to display details of its new Student Learning Centre, corner of Gould and Yonge streets, but since they have already leaked the details to another newspaper, I feel free to express my view: the “thing” they are proposing to build, for a cool $112-million, looks shockingly suburban and derivative. Rather than try to work with the historic character of Yonge Street and fit into the province’s most storied shopping thoroughfare, Snohetta of Norway and Zeidler of Toronto propose to slam an irregular, iceberg-esque monolith of glass and concrete where Sam the Record Man once stood.

Back a few years ago when Ryerson bought Sam’s, Sheldon Levy, the president of Ryerson, promised in a news release that, “we are working closely with the City of Toronto to ensure that the legacy of Sam the Record Man is honoured.” They have not done so.

This kind of commentary reflects more poorly on the person making the statements than it does on the building - If anything, Peter Kuitenbrouwer is suburban and derivative - historic character on yonge street? Yonge has lost all of that and is now just bits and pieces of loosely cobbled together architecture. What does he was faux-historicism?

I feel strongly that this building will be a huge contribution to the city. It has enough impact to force the eventual redevelopment of neighbouring 10 Dundas E.

Upon reflection, I am inclined to add: so much extremely bad work has been done at Yonge and Dundas, and this has the potential to pull things in the other direction.

This is fun stuff. Is there anything wrong with that? It's joyous. And it will be a catalyst.
Thanks to those who posted the images/sections etc.

This kind of commentary reflects more poorly on the person making the statements than it does on the building - If anything, Peter Kuitenbrouwer is suburban and derivative - historic character on yonge street? Yonge has lost all of that and is now just bits and pieces of loosely cobbled together architecture. What does he was faux-historicism?


I agree. I'm a fairly staunch preservationist, but I don't believe you can preserve historical character retroactively. This particular stretch of Yonge is too far gone, and I don't see how any kind of kitchy faux-historical building could possibly bring back the Yonge St. of song and story. My opinion is generally that the destruction or tear-down of a historic building can be mitigated only iif what goes up afterwards is better. This certainly has that potential.
Thanks to those who posted the images/sections etc.

This kind of commentary reflects more poorly on the person making the statements than it does on the building - If anything, Peter Kuitenbrouwer is suburban and derivative - historic character on yonge street? Yonge has lost all of that and is now just bits and pieces of loosely cobbled together architecture. What does he was faux-historicism?


I think he's butt-hurt about the press leak (probably to The Star?).
The comments section of Hume's article is just depressing.

I second this - WTF is wrong with people posting those thoughts on Hume's column (maybe Rob Ford creepy crawlers....)?
This building is stunning and signals the continued trend in 'architectural maturation' of this city...

I posted on the forum some time ago, how I had spent a period of time in the US and then came back to TO last year. Toronto feels like it has begun to shift considerably from a 'large metropolitan centre' to a 'big cosmopolitan city'. This new announcement is more evidence of this very exciting trend!

Fantastic. The sexy, seductive, Mayne-at-Cooper-Union-sans-the-metal-skin vibe is much appreciated.

Totally agree.

And Sam's legacy is assured as I will be selling CDs and u-tunes links on site every Monday, Wednesday and Friday (at the bottom of the ramp).
