Admiral Beez
Sure we do, we just do it dishonestly by letting the parks go to disrepair and by ignoring existing laws on sleeping in parks, loitering and public intoxication. These two acts alone will ensure that many people will feel excluded from the park.Thankfully, we don't exclude people from parks here.
Unless we reasonably enforce the laws and maintain the parks, there can be no peaceful coexistence between the housed, sane and employed downtowner and the drunk/high mentally ill homeless guy splayed out on the park bench muttering to himself. Instead, the sane downtowner feels excluded and stays away and the homeless own the park.
I look at Central Park in Manhattan as an example of how to run a park well, albeit on a much larger scale. There are folks that appear rough or homeless mixed amongst everyone else, and IMO it works well, with no public drunkenness or people sleeping on benches, and there are police and park staff everywhere. Kids run and play, people read on the grass, enjoy a book on the benches, and just enjoy the park. Compare this to Allan Gardens.
BTW, the Halifax Public Gardens do not exclude anyone. They're owned by the public, and anyone is welcome to visit. The only rules they have are shown here Imagine if we had a kids program at Allan Gardens, this would be a great attraction for all the families in the area
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