Toronto Paintbox | ?m | 26s | Daniels | Diamond Schmitt

1 September 2012


And it looks like Sumach Street south of Gerard is now reopen.

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I just noticed from Currents pictures posted above these curious little showers. Does anyone know what they are used for? The only thing that I can think of that they are for washing your feet which of course is completely inadequate before entering a public pool. They look however like they would be great for providing refreshment and cooling for Dogs on a hot day. I'll have to keep these in mind the next time I walk my dogs in this area.
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I just noticed from Currents pictures posted above these curious little showers. Does anyone know what they are used for? The only thing that I can think of that they are for washing your feet which of course is completely inadequate before entering a public pool. They look however like they would be great for providing refreshment and cooling for Dogs on a hot day. I'll have to keep these in mind the next time I walk my dogs in this area.

I think you might be right about them being intended for feet (seen these at beaches but never for a pool). Also that showerhead would make it hard for a dog to drink from this without getting it's face soaked. My guess is that since there is going to be an adjacent park (probably with a sandbox or splashpad -just guessing) , foot washing stations would make sense (kids + parks = dirty feet)
I think you might be right about them being intended for feet (seen these at beaches but never for a pool). Also that showerhead would make it hard for a dog to drink from this without getting it's face soaked. My guess is that since there is going to be an adjacent park (probably with a sandbox or splashpad -just guessing) , foot washing stations would make sense (kids + parks = dirty feet)

Unless there is a very large sandbox nearby these curious water features don't make sense.

They remind me of pictures I have seen of foot washing stations outside of Mosques that are used as part of Muslim ritual ablutions:


Image credit:

If my suspicions are correct this raises a serious question. Will the new Aquatic Centre (or whatever is nearby) be used as a makeshift Mosque?

If so was this built with tax dollars?
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Unless there is a very large sandbox nearby these curious water features don't make sense.

They remind me of pictures I have seen of foot washing stations outside of Mosques that are used as part of Muslim ritual ablutions:

If my suspicions are correct this raises a serious question. Will the new Aquatic Centre (or whatever is nearby) be used as a makeshift Mosque?

If so was this built with tax dollars?

Seriously? You comments never cease to amaze.
this raises a serious question. Will the new Aquatic Centre (or whatever is nearby) be used as a makeshift Mosque?

If so was this built with tax dollars?

Well, I'm confused. You said you had a serious question, but then you asked something completely ridiculous.
Unless there is a very large sandbox nearby these curious water features don't make sense.

They remind me of pictures I have seen of foot washing stations outside of Mosques that are used as part of Muslim ritual ablutions:

If my suspicions are correct this raises a serious question. Will the new Aquatic Centre (or whatever is nearby) be used as a makeshift Mosque?

If so was this built with tax dollars?

so what if tax dollars were used?

in plain english, what are your 'suspicions'?

what's the 'serious question' you are raising?
Please explain what is ridiculous about asking if tax dollars are going to build a religious facility?

Found a picture of Muslim men washing their feet + Regent Park Aquatic Centre has foot washing stations and therefore Regent Park Aquatic Centre is probably a mosque = ridiculous
Who cares? Have any of you checked the average religion of your TCHC dweller lately? I would guess majority are muslim in the area.

If the majority were Irish Catholic I'd expect to see an RC-affiliated outfit, probably getting gov't handouts.

I worked with many muslim Canadians and it always disgusted me how inept and intolerant management types & the company was towards accomodating their needs.
Did anybody see the colourful and funky Lighbox Restaurant, in the Lightbox condo? It looks like a pretty cool place, so far. I'm sure it will liven up Dundas Street, with its sidewalk patio. The arts centre will also have a cafe/restaurant, facing Dundas. (the more animation, the better)
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