Toronto Paintbox | ?m | 26s | Daniels | Diamond Schmitt

Hey, don't take your anger out on SP!RE, he didn't design the thing. He's most certainly correct that this is the final product. And we're all pretty firmly in the what-a-shame camp.
I'm undecided on the siding. But, by the looks of it, it's probably going to retain dirt/soot from rainfall. Unless it's maintained well, my guess is that it looks ugly within 5 years.
I feel like the architect was trying to do something ironic... sort of a "look how institutional this building will look-- JK! We've added colour spots!" idea. Unfortunately, the effect isn't convincing :(.
The arts centre is self-evidently mannerist modernism, flirting with the tropisms of a pendantic reverie (i.e. the siting and notional materials of the common toolshed), whilst rescuing them aloft through a illumined and redemptive (whislt unforgiving, yes, even exaggerated and mocking) framework of abstruse public and canonically pendantic structural efficiencies - which do not fail to overextend the common into the unheimlich.

I have a feeling like this is a "parody" of Urban Shocker..
Hey, don't take your anger out on SP!RE, he didn't design the thing. He's most certainly correct that this is the final product. And we're all pretty firmly in the what-a-shame camp.

Where do you see anger in my comment? I was just asking what building in downtown Toronto had aluminum siding with all the screws showing because I can't think of any. I was certainly not angry but I am disappointed with the siding.

I noticed that they have now begun to paint the white siding, on the back of the building, different colours. It looks kind of strange. Another thing I find strange is that there are small gaps in the siding and you can see the green insulation material between the gaps. That's another reason I felt another layer of siding was going up. It just looks unprofessional to see the insulation between the aluminum panels.
The RP Arts & Culture Centre

By torontovibe at 2012-08-02

By torontovibe at 2012-08-02

By torontovibe at 2012-08-02

By torontovibe at 2012-08-02
Last edited:
I like the colour with the white paneling, but otherwise they have chosen a material palette that clashes with itself multiple times. Eek. There's a right way to do whimsical/colourful and a wrong way. I think here they did the wrong way : /
The panelled portion reminds me of those old school portables, but jazzed up with colour. I actually don't hate it for the nostalgia that it brings (I had quite a few classes in portables back in the elementary school days). Though it's certainly not my first choice, and ultimately does look cheap, there's a bit of no nonsense fun in the design.
