Toronto Paintbox | ?m | 26s | Daniels | Diamond Schmitt

Taken 26 May 2012 during Doors Open 2012:

The cafe in the northeast corner of the building that will overlook Dundas Street West, the new Regent Park Central Park and the new street that will run along the east facade of the centre.


The main performance space with 400 retractable seats, mezzanine and projection booth along the back wall and a very extensive catwalk system on the ceiling.

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Article in the Star today about violence in Regent Park.

Sic Thugs are apparently sorting out who controls the new steel and glass condo towers gleaming in the rejuvenated portion of the Park. It’s there that another group, known as Click Clack, may also be involved.

“It’s a war over the new Regent Park,” says a well-informed community source.

Not sure I'd be looking forward to my closing date if I had bought here.
it's not shaping up to be stellar...

maybe it will look better when all the cool people arrive and start hanging around, as per the "artist's impression"

Yeah, I'm REALLY not feeling the Arts Centre. Yikes.

The aquatics centre almost makes up for it though!
That white aluminum siding does not look like the finished cladding to me. You can see screws in it and the parts just don't seem to fit right along the edges. There has to be another layer of some kind of cladding finish. (I hope) Yes, the aquatic centre is looking really good.
^ I don't know about that. The colour and texture of the cladding in thedeepend's pictures look pretty close to that of the rending he also posted. I just hope the colourful bands are still added to distract us a bit from what looks like a few re-purposed garden sheds.


Well, I have never seen siding put up where you can see the actual screws, holding it up. The final coating usually looks more finished, so I hope this is not the finished product.
The arts centre is self-evidently mannerist modernism, flirting with the tropisms of a pendantic reverie (i.e. the siting and notional materials of the common toolshed), whilst rescuing them aloft through a illumined and redemptive (whislt unforgiving, yes, even exaggerated and mocking) framework of abstruse public and canonically pendantic structural efficiencies - which do not fail to overextend the common into the unheimlich.
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I've seen plenty of siding where the screws are showing; certain types of plastic/metal cladding systems make use of screws (or at least the holes they are screwed into) and do not hide them.

Regardless, it is very clear both from looking at renderings and the photos above that this cladding is indeed the final layer of cladding; what you see above is what we're getting.
I've seen plenty of siding where the screws are showing; certain types of plastic/metal cladding systems make use of screws (or at least the holes they are screwed into) and do not hide them.

Regardless, it is very clear both from looking at renderings and the photos above that this cladding is indeed the final layer of cladding; what you see above is what we're getting.

Tell me where you've seen that on a major building in downtown Toronto? Give me the address because I have never seen siding like that (with the screws prominently showing) on a major building like that. (maybe on a small shed but not a major building or an arts/cultural building) I think it's unacceptable, if indeed, that is the case. How low have our standards fallen, especially for a public, cultural building?
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