Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

please... do I really need to see more to realize that the design is a gimmick/tacky?

I think I am allowed to like it even if it is tacky to you.

May I ask what makes it so tacky/gimmicky?

It's just this kind of connection that gets me scratching my head. Just because Redroom doesn't like it, you drewp assume that he is telling you YOU can't like it either. NOT SO. Redroom is just saying he doesn't like it.

Is the courage of your convictions so weak that you can't accept others just don't like it? Does that make your liking it so precarious, as to cause you to question your own taste?

If you like it... GREAT!

If you don't like it... GREAT!

They are just expressions of taste.

It seems the LIKERS are very defensive about their preference and feel unjustly attacked even when no attack is intended. If Redroom wants to use all the negative adjectives in his vocabulary to illustrate his dislike, then he is entitled. He never said YOU should dislike it too. You are more than welcome to express all the wondrous virtues of this design, with all the positive adjectives you can come up with and we will all read every post with equation.
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Funny how in that last post, "drewp" sounds like an insult


You just can't help but stir the pot, can you?

You focus your dislike of me like a laser beam at my post and try and divine any negativity, so that you can twist it into more antagonism towards me. Even when no pejorative was intended.

I am flattered by your attention, but perhaps you could better use all that energy in talking about Nuimber one Bloor.
It seems the LIKERS are very defensive about their preference and feel unjustly attacked even when no attack is intended. If Redroom wants to use all the negative adjectives in his vocabulary to illustrate his dislike, then he is entitled. He never said YOU should dislike it too. You are more than welcome to express all the wondrous virtues of this design, with all the positive adjectives you can come up with and we will all read every post with equation.

We all need to understand that an opinion is an opinion, even if it's not prefaced by a gentle disclaimer like, "In my opinion...." There is a slightly acerbic tone to some comments from the dislikers, though:

you mean because its Toronto right? (and we have this great inability to live up to expectations) What would be really funny is if those in power put up a render of some utterly bland piece of crap as a joke and we'd still see 50% of the people on this forum hailing it as the greatest thing ever!

I think something like Trump's 5th Ave building is what this corner deserves.

To me that could imply (but doesn't, necessarily) that Redroom was deriding those of us who like the design. While it's not awful of him to say that we like what he opines to be a bland piece of crap, we're not wrong for liking it. And yes, I realize he didn't say we were wrong, but at the very least he seems to be exasperated with us for expressing our approval.
I don't even see what people are fighting about.

There's nothing to be upset about. Some people hate the design, some people love it, and some people are ambivalent thus far.

Anything goes. Now let's all get along!
I think the design looks great. A nice refreshing change from all the boring look-a-like towers [I'll refrain from mentioning Lightbox or Bedford ;)]
What's say we throw a poll up on this thread? Something like 'strongly like' to 'strongly dislike' on a scale of 1 to 5.
"we are getting second rate architecture becasue thats all Toronto can afford. Hey, you said it yourself... "

Redroom, I am happy with "second rate architecture" since there are many, many levels of quality and 2nd rate is pretty darned good. We are NOT London, NOT New York, and NOT Hong Kong for the reasons mentionned.

Lets be realistic - how often have you seen your standards of excellence and originality (in major projects) realized in this city? If the answer is never, then perhaps my taste is more realistic.

I'll take 2nd rate over 10th rate any day!

As an added comment, I would even take Hong Kong off your list - 99% of the condo architecture there is horrid and have a distinctively cookie cutter feel to it. If one think developers are into maximizing profit more than design here, they need to visit that place and have a look. They will see just how fortunate we are here in Toronto.

But most of those "cookie-cutter" housing blocks are the equivalence of suburban sprawl architecture and commieblocks, so the comparison to the current types of condos being built in Toronto is hardly apples-to-apples.

As an added comment, I would even take Hong Kong off your list - 99% of the condo architecture there is horrid and have a distinctively cookie cutter feel to it. If one think developers are into maximizing profit more than design here, they need to visit that place and have a look. They will see just how fortunate we are here in Toronto.


May as well take London and New York off as well. I'm not too familiar with the ongoings in London but the standard in residential can't be that great. The city's forumers were just a little too excited over the release of a couple Cityplace inspired condos for things to be that good over there. New York often makes Pinnacle Centre look damn good.
What's say we throw a poll up on this thread? Something like 'strongly like' to 'strongly dislike' on a scale of 1 to 5.

Then we should start a campaign recommending that henceforth all film awards should be based on trailers and book awards should be based on back of cover summaries. Given attention spans today, the possibilities seem endless.
Then we should start a campaign recommending that henceforth all film awards should be based on trailers and book awards should be based on back of cover summaries. Given attention spans today, the possibilities seem endless.

Your anaolgy is weak at best. True, you cannot take in a whole movie by seeing the trailer. You also can't understand a whole book by it's cover. However, a person can see an entire building at one time and have an opinion.

Agreed, we have not yet seen ALL of this design, but if this is the trailer, then I don't want to go to the movie.
Your anaolgy is weak at best. True, you cannot take in a whole movie by seeing the trailer. You also can't understand a whole book by it's cover. However, a person can see an entire building at one time and have an opinion.

Agreed, we have not yet seen ALL of this design, but if this is the trailer, then I don't want to go to the movie.

it doesn't seem weak in the slightest. in fact it is merely pointing out that a massive amount of armchair critiquing and hot air is being generated based on one EXTREMELY STYLIZED render of ONE SIDE of the building--which it to say next to nothing. what is difficult to grasp here? the comparison to a trailer or book description is very much on point.


