Toronto One Bloor East | 257.24m | 76s | Great Gulf | Hariri Pontarini

Then we should start a campaign recommending that henceforth all film awards should be based on trailers and book awards should be based on back of cover summaries. Given attention spans today, the possibilities seem endless.

You make a great point. I mean, when I saw the trailer for Legally Blonde, I thought to myself, "wow, that movie looks kinda terrible." But after it went on to win all those Oscars, I realized that I should not have been so quick to judge the film by its trailer.

Personally, I'm undecided on this tower, so I'm eager to see further renders. For those forumers that absolutely hate what they've already seen, I doubt a new rendering or angle will significantly sway their opinion.
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It's just this kind of connection that gets me scratching my head. Just because Redroom doesn't like it, you drewp assume that he is telling you YOU can't like it either. NOT SO. Redroom is just saying he doesn't like it.

Is the courage of your convictions so weak that you can't accept others just don't like it? Does that make your liking it so precarious, as to cause you to question your own taste?

If you like it... GREAT!


If you don't like it... GREAT!

They are just expressions of taste.

It seems the LIKERS are very defensive about their preference and feel unjustly attacked even when no attack is intended. If Redroom wants to use all the negative adjectives in his vocabulary to illustrate his dislike, then he is entitled. He never said YOU should dislike it too. You are more than welcome to express all the wondrous virtues of this design, with all the positive adjectives you can come up with and we will all read every post with equation.

First off I like the buiding from what i see, and I am not afraid to say that. I was asking his opinion because i am curious. I don't see the reason why you must jump to conclusions. Where do I show that I have no convictions. Like I said I just wanted to know his opinion and other peoples opinion, but you obviously are on the attack which is not what I am interested in. If you would like to answer my qiuestion I would appreciate it, if you don't then don't make judgements about my convictions, becuase you obviously don't know me.

oh I will say it again.......I like the building
You make a great point. I mean, when I saw the trailer for Legally Blonde, I thought to myself, "wow, that movie looks kinda terrible." But after it went on to win all those Oscars, I realized that I should not have been so quick to judge the film by its trailer.

Legally Blonde won Oscars?! :confused:
Geogia O'Keefe Tower?


Could it be that HPA has designed the world's first feminine phallic symbol?

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Workers are on site right now preparing to erect a giant tent.

Oh darn. I was hoping for a condo.
How many floors? What is the design like? Actually, it doesn't matter. Most people here won't like it.:D
Oh darn. I was hoping for a condo.
How many floors? What is the design like? Actually, it doesn't matter. Most people here won't like it.:D

Should be at least 80 stories taller. This is not befitting of the most important intersection in the universe. I'm SO dissapointed, I hope its not a green tent!
Would N1B be subject to the Design Review Panel? I believe Council approved the DRP beyod the trial period last fall. Given that the site is on two tranist priority lines, one of the criteria that would subject site plan applications to be reviewed, I think there might be a chance of it going to the DRP.
I think I am allowed to like it even if it is tacky to you...?

Did you even read your own post? Or more importantly, do you understand the impression it gives?

You introduced the notion that people have implied you can't like this design if others don't. Who said you weren't allowed to like it? Certainly not Redroom.Your post makes a statement that sounds like a response to: "No one can like this design because it is tacky." BUT THAT WAS NEVER SAID! No one says you can't like it.

I know what I meant if you don't ask a question and make assumptions like you do then I can't do anything further. That is the way you want to see be it. I still don't see where it shows that I am not taking a stand, becuase I am not pushing my opinions down his throat like some people. I will say it again I like what I see, but its too early to tell how this will look.
One Bloor Tent

Here's the latest pic of the site at roughly 12:30 pm. Given that this entire corner has been an ongoing circus show, it's fitting that a tent is going up. ;) But it's great to see some activity after all this time.


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The release of the render is, if nothing else, polarizing the crowd here. Maybe more than any other recent proposal. So at least it shows that this design evokes an emotional response. Which is a far cry from the litany of recent green-glass snoozefests we have been treated to.
No matter what the design was, there would have been an emotional response. Simply because of the importance of the intersection to the city of Toronto.
I think it's important to have an opinion on architecture, and i'm glad to see so many people coming here with one. I don't really care for the cat fighting though.
