nobody is saying that the alternative to a box has to be curvy (and thus hard to furnish) Buildings can have set backs and taper as they get taller, they can have a non rectangular floor plate, they can have angular faces or notches, etc. This design for 1 Bloor appears to have both a rectangular floorplate and a rectangular silhouette with curvy balconies simply tacked on in some attempt to hide its boxy reality. Having said that, maybe the economics in Toronto demand maximum use of the real estate and thus dictate a box design. There are ways to do a box so that it looks classy... this aint one of them. I'm suspicious that some of the people who are fans of this design have never travelled outside the GTA. Either that or they are so blindly "home teamers" that they refuse to be critical of anything simply because its in Toronto. Have you not been to other cities and seen dozens of interesting yet refined and classy designs... ? This aint one of them.