Toronto Lumiere Condominiums | ?m | 32s | Lifetime | Wallman Architects

Anyone knows the move in date of this proejct? I just received an invitation letter to buy one of the few left units from a agent
Yeah that was really crazy But even crazier is this new gang at City Hall have forgotten to get the plows into certain streets in my Parkdale neighbourhood throughout these past snowstorms.

Not to go astray from the topic, but there was an article today about how plows can't get in to many small streets to plow due to cars sticking out too far apparently. I also notice people on many of the streets in the area shovel snow out in to the road = illegal, and cars park way out due to snow piles in the street and also due to their arrogance towards everyone else. Either way this screws the plows in many places who can't get in or out of the streets.
9 January 2009 photo update

Drive by shooting, the pit looks deep, but otherwise, what else could I see?

Something has to be up with this project,construction started in June 07 and their still working on the lowest level of the parking garage.
Ah it actually looks like progress was made from what I can tell. They were farther down last month.
perhaps Menkes has been focusing their construction crew efforts on Four Seasons, Luxe and Aria (North York) instead ?

unfortunate though for purchasers in Lumiere
I'm sure there's enough construction workers to go around.

I don't know ... the construction industry was discussing labour shortages, notwithstanding the added sales boom in the last couple of years.

Menkes probably has more at stake with Four Season's since there's the hotel component vs. their own private projects which are only condos to individual buyers.
does anyone else find this project boring if not unattractive? a bit like 22 wellesly. again though, we'll have to see how this bad boy turns out as renders are so very often deceiving.

i agree it will complete the streetwall, which is interesting. as far as bay goes, i'm not sure all these developments can save it. they will certainly help. still, i think bay needs a bloor-type facelift though, that is, new sidewalks, lots of trees and public art.
I think Bay Street is great. It will eventually get a Bloor Street type of redevelopment, but until then I am not holding my breath.

I like Bay Street, it has many wide sidewalks, and a friendly feeling because of all the condos.

Lumiere will be nice if the lobby is done right, I think. It looked like it would have an interesting space for the lobby and otherwise, I am sure it will turn out just right.
I think Lumiere is attractive and will be a good addition to Bay Street. As URBAN!TY states, it all depends on the ground level, but from the rendering, it's hard to see how this couldn't be better than 22 at the ground level.
Lumiere retail facade

Surprised to see Lumiere actually has 4,339 sq ft retail space, which covers more than 3/4 of the total length of Lumiere facade facing the Bay...

Ideally, it will bring down the condo fee and enhance the building outlook, and bring convinence to the people living there. Do you guys agree?
I don't know how much convenience anyone will get out of it. There's already a video rental place, a dry cleaner, and a Subway next door.
