Toronto Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute | ?m | 9s | St. Michael's | Diamond Schmitt


Thanks for the link - there is a vague skybridge in the original rendering.

If there is one example of what they *should* do, it's the bridge between CCBR and Med. Sci. Bldg at U of T.

Today. Light was fading, but oh well...




Nice pics, ProjectEnd!....interesting glass on this one...
This stretch of Victoria is going to look so much nicer with this. Pantages will be one of the major beneficiaries of this project. Once facing a bricked up dingy garage, now facing a beautiful glass façade.

There's a couple of lots to the north that need to be filled in, CityTV going up the street, and Massey Hall is rumored to be getting a cleanup/facelift, Victoria is going to be quite different in a year.

Q: Does anybody know what's happening (if anything) with the St.Michael's Hospital parking lot right on Queen + Victoria?
Q: Does anybody know what's happening (if anything) with the St.Michael's Hospital parking lot right on Queen + Victoria?

Just looked down at it from 2 Queen East, 5th floor - everything looks the same as usual. Was there a rumour?
More than a rumour

Way back when (I'm thinking the 90's, but don't hold me to that)...

St. Mike's came forward to Toronto (the old City??) with a master plan for its redevelopment.

Among other things, it committed to turning the corner of Queen & Victoria into a parkette. A nice outdoor space for hospital staff, patients and others to take lunch.

Needless to say that has never been implemented.

Though, other elements of that plan also remain incomplete.

That plan called for the 1st of the two additions to the Victoria St. tower, I don't believe the second.

But it also called for tearing down the old Bond & Shuter wing of the hospital and rebuilding it.

Not sure what the status is on the those plans now.

I bet one of UT colleagues has that plan or a link to it sitting around somewhere. Maybe they'll be kind enough to post it!

Apologies in advance if this is a stupid question, but is there any method/pattern to the seemingly random "insert-technical-term" metallic strips that are placed on the edge of each glass panel ?

Or is that just some tape ? At first I thought it was tape because they are a bit random but now I'm sure ...

Those are called dutchmen, and they're just temporary pieces of aluminium pressure plate screwed into the wall to compress the glass into the caulking until it cures. There's no real rule for putting them on, but generally you try to ensure adequate compression at the corners, and in the middle of each side if necessary.
Those are called dutchmen, and they're just temporary pieces of aluminium pressure plate screwed into the wall to compress the glass into the caulking until it cures. There's no real rule for putting them on, but generally you try to ensure adequate compression at the corners, and in the middle of each side if necessary.

Thanks for that.

In some ways, I wish the glass had something like this permanently (even if it were just a pattern applied via indentening/paint/decal) because I think it adds a bit of subtle flair.
June 2nd Update

This is a difficult site to photograph without a wide angle lens

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

