Toronto Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute | ?m | 9s | St. Michael's | Diamond Schmitt

Yeah, with the curtain wall coming up, the common vocabulary with D/S's St Mike's heliport/penthouse addition is really shining through...
June 10




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I'm actually pretty happy for the touch of glass here. It makes for nice contrast to all the sooty brick nearby (backs of theatres etc).
Li Ka Shing Above Grade Pedestrian Brdige

Well, regarding this, its not part of the original Li Ka Shing contract,

but they are planning a 3rd floor above ground bridge,

here is the city council report

Regarding the design, its a cylinder of glass, but not just a cylinder, its a twisted cylinder,

anyways , the estimated price is 7 million
I have a feeling that we are seeing the 'cheapening' with regard to this building.

The renderings show that the Victoria St. facade would be 'textured' with glass bands that would run up and down horizontally (and perpendicular) to the facade. It now appears that we are getting nothing more than a regular office building like facade facing Victoria.
While I would love nothing more than to share in a group D+S bashing, I feel I should report that those brise soleil (both the vertical ones on Victoria and the horizontal ones along Shuter) will be put on as final touches. If you go really near the cladding on either street, you can see the mounting points for them.
I see the mounting points for them on Shuter, but nothing on the large and blank Victoria side.

I hope you are right. I was really fond of the renderings of this building.
Sept. 10th update

A few shots from Victoria and Shuter Streets

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Although I think the glass and details could have been handled better on ths one, it is great to see the increased density in the area.
