Toronto L-Tower | 204.82m | 58s | Cityzen | Daniel Libeskind

That last picture is incredible. Skyjacked, have you ever posted a panorama of the north view? That would be something to behold!
That last picture is a stitch of 3.

Forum member Udo Made this 360 panorama from a bunch of pictures and videos I took with my phone. I wouldn’t know where to begin with such a thing but he used pictures and video screen captures from different days and times of day and there were all sorts of variables that must have made it a challenge. He did a fantastic job as usual. View full screen and hide controls for max fun.

A friend sent me a few pictures from another job Friday morning.


Photo by CL


Photo by CL


Photo by CL

I took this after I received a few of those.

A look down Yonge today:

Great perspective. Ya, I'm really happy they decided to have a slopped roof on L tower.. or else, when viewed from the north along yonge, absolutely nothing would stand out about it.

Also, i hope one day something tall goes up south of Queen along the west side of Yonge (right up to the street) to balance out the canyon even more so... 1 King woulda been pretty cool had it been built right up to the street.
A friend sent me a few pictures from another job Friday morning.

I took this after I received a few of those.

SkyJacked, after all this time I have to chime in as well and say thank you for all the photos. Your most recent one with Hamilton in the background is especially fantastic, talk about a great view to take in daily. I check this thread daily for your shots, it's such a fresh perspective that few of us get to experience.
