Toronto James Cooper Mansion | ?m | 32s | Tridel | Burka

I was going to say it looks like a very cheap brick, which is a crying shame. That is the same faux-reclaimed brick that is used in subdivisions, without a doubt.

A solid colour would have been much, much better. Let brick age on its own.
The podium's a mess, the materials are cheap, and the dialogue between hi-rise and mansion is nonexistent. Essentially, Tridel has exploited and debased a beautiful old building for a quick buck. Shame.
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Goodness, looking at those pictures, I can't believe this is a Tridel building... you'd think there be some quality here, but it doesn't seem so at all... considering the price of these condos - I'm sorry to say: what a rip off...
which picture(s) make you feel that it is a sub-standard quality building? it looks pretty standard in materials and workmanship to anything else that is being built these days. I mean if some people dont like the design then that is a subjective opinion. Judgements of quality can only be objective and based on evdience of shoddy workmanship etc. The photos of that sort of thing that appear on the previous page are from a different development...
on the other hand, Tridel is also responsible for winners like The Icon on Wellington. from the perspective of that very low bar, JCM starts to look like Rockefeller Center




In terms of quality, I was refering to these ones posted above.
^ Are you sure that those photos are of the James Cooper Mansion development, and not of the Icon on Wellington? That was how I interpreted that post.

Looking at the undoubted photos of JCM posted on #188, I see nothing that looks like the ones you quoted.
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^^^ yes, thats why I questioned what images he had been referring to. when I first saw those posted in this thread I wish that the mods had deleted them because people who were not following along or skimming through really quickly would be left with an erroneous impression. Yes, those pictures are indeed of The Icon on Wellington...
^^^ yes, thats why I questioned what images he had been referring to. when I first saw those posted in this thread I wish that the mods had deleted them because people who were not following along or skimming through really quickly would be left with an erroneous impression. Yes, those pictures are indeed of The Icon on Wellington...

i guess the assumption is that people would be paying attention to the content of the thread. its hard to defend the idea that the forum should cater to people who are 'not following' or 'skimming through really quickly'. lets be 'bold', and assume that most people who post will uh, read the post before responding to it.

in any case, yes, the Icon--staggeringly shoddy work from the same developer as James Cooper Mansion. and no, JCM is nowhere near as shoddy--(design aside) from the very low bar that Tridel has established, in fact, JCM seems perfectly in line with the mid-range industry standards.

it does beg the question though, about why an established developer like Tridel--a developer that likes to tout its reputation for quality--is building such appallingly badly constructed buildings. personally i think that the reason the more recent Tridel developments like JCM are better is in response to the dreadful lapse that buildings like Icon and (to a lesser extent) Element represent.

My apologies if my comments were inaccurate... as I often don't follow the James Cooper Mansion thread as closely as others... I was considering purchasing a unit in this area some time ago and was interested in how it was progressing.
Photographs don't really convey how hard this building is on the eyes. It's something you have to see in person. The cheap, blank spread of black metal panels wrapped over everthing manages to somehow strike all the wrong nerves. It's unnerving - as if windows have already been blindly removed, or filled in. It already looks like it's somehow endured a bad retrofit.

Tridel's downtown work has improved a lot as of late - the first example that springs to mind is the Verve building, nearby, which has a lot to recommend it. It basically works really well. It's disappointing to see the JCM tower being handled so horribly, especially because this part of Sherbourne really needs all the love and beauty it can get.
Although I don't like the idea of moving buildings generally - I think it unpleasantly makes something like Monopoly pieces out of them - the fact that Tridel cared enough to save and rehabilitate the mansion seemed to be certainly done with the best intentions, and there were hopes the tower behind it might rise to the occasion. With the intricacies of the mansion sitting before it, the ugliness of the huge tower behind it seems doubly so.
Well, at least we'll still have the mansion, which was really good of Tridel.

I wonder what happened? Tridel seems to be on the up-and-up, and this building is quite an unfortunate setback.

i guess the assumption is that people would be paying attention to the content of the thread. its hard to defend the idea that the forum should cater to people who are 'not following' or 'skimming through really quickly'. lets be 'bold', and assume that most people who post will uh, read the post before responding to it.

Exactly. If we trashed everything that might be misunderstood... well, eventually we'd just have to hit the forum's self-destruct button (which, if you have to know, if behind the counter at the Coffee Time at Yonge & Gloucester).

