Toronto Infinity Condos | ?m | 35s | Conservatory Group | Richmond Architects



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Yep, the entrance would be from the north side and garage from the east. Finally, the developer decided to make one entrance for two buildings.








Does anyone have the appropriate email for someone in the planning department who was responsible for approving this project or that would deal with complaints? I would like to express my extreme displeasure with this building being allowed to proceed. Not joking.
If there was such a dedicated email address, that inbox would be full. Not just for this project but from complaints of many other planning mistake's in the city's history.

Try the planning manager for that part of the downtownr -- call 311 to get contact info. Good luck with registering your complaint.
Does anyone have the appropriate email for someone in the planning department who was responsible for approving this project or that would deal with complaints? I would like to express my extreme displeasure with this building being allowed to proceed. Not joking.

Regarding are are about 2-3 years behind on this one
Yes I can see the pictures and realize it is already being built. Still doesn't mean I can't let those responsible know what a travesty they have committed in hopes that it would deter them in the future.
Yes I can see the pictures and realize it is already being built. Still doesn't mean I can't let those responsible know what a travesty they have committed in hopes that it would deter them in the future.

I wish there were more people like you in this city, who speak up when developers put up crap like this. Too many people are apathetic and selfish. (If it doesn't directly effect them, they just don't care) Think of how great this city would be if the majority of Torontonians were strong advocates, fighting to make it better.
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Does anyone have the appropriate email for someone in the planning department who was responsible for approving this project or that would deal with complaints? I would like to express my extreme displeasure with this building being allowed to proceed. Not joking.

Rather than complaining to the city, take your protest to the developer. They're responsible for the aesthetics (or there absence in this instance).

I wish there were more people like you in this city, who speak up when developers put up crap like this. Too many people are apathetic and selfish. (If it doesn't directly effect them, they just don't care) Think of how great this city would be if the majority of Torontonians were strong advocates, fighting to make it better.

I'm not sure it's fair to call people selfish if they don't speak up. The apathy comes from the fact that developers (particularly the big developers) do largely rule in many instances, and all you need to do is to get involved to see this. At the same time, there are some members of this forum (ahem, AG) who deride residents for registering complaints about specific projects. Say too much and you'll inevitably be called a nimby or considered antidevelopment.
