Toronto Corus Quay | ?m | 8s | Waterfront Toronto | Diamond Schmitt

And whatever said "cusp of change", it remains fundamentally an industrial/institutional workaday zone, compared to what's W of Yonge--as long as Redpath, LCBO, the Star, even Loblaws and the new GBC remain, it'll be like that. Little "deader" than the W half of Liberty Village, in fact...

Adma should be writing tourism copy for the city.
Check out the cascading glass on the ground level. I assume that's the part that opens up for public performances. I've never seen one that opens up like that before. Usually they slide sideways.


By torontovibe, shot with DSC-N1 at 2009-12-22
Maybe this building will be more interesting at ground level. It would help make up for it's blandness!
Thanks for the photo.

Something like this would also help with the look of the building:


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That lighting would especially look great from any water views of the city, as the building sits quite prominently in front of the skyline.
I say bring on some colourful lighting too. This boring glass box could use all the help it can get. A little colour can only be a good thing.
Saw this with a birds eye view while flying back into TO on Porter and it is such a HUGE disappointment. It is possible that with lighting and landscaping it will surprise and end up being a great addition to the waterfront, but as is, it sucks and is far less interesting than RedPath.
Just caught this...

Zoomer Media, based in Toronto, has begun making arrangements for its move to 64 Jefferson
Avene. The company purchased the building that currently houses Corus Entertainment’s broadcast
facilities. Corus is moving to an expanded facility on the city’s lakeshore downtown. Zoomer Media, owned
by Moses Znaimer, will combine its Toronto radio stations (AM 740 and Classical 96), TV stations for
which they recently received CRTC approval and its magazine operations.

No word on who will be going into Zoomer's Corktown office space.
Why are the moving, to expand space? Hopefully, in which case this is good ... can't think of why else they would move.
consolidate too?

