Toronto Atrium on Bay Expansion | 114m | 34s | KingSett Capital | Hariri Pontarini

You don't think that the New York theatre district feeds Times Square?

on the contrary, New York theatre goers will mostly likely avoid passing Times Square deliberately.

Shibuya is the place where friend make appointments, what peole use as a meeting point to date. I doubt many New Yorkers will say "let's meet at Times Square and then go somewhere to have a bite".
Shibuya station has hundrends of small eateries around in the small alleys and underground. It goes way beyond a few shining neon signs and a famous spot to take photos. Although being neither, I hope Dundas Square will be more like Shibuya Crossing than Times Square, which is much less interesting (although more "iconic" for whatever lame reason).
Plenty of people use Dundas Square as a meeting place. It's a convenient location to use as a starting point to head to wherever you're going in the downtown core.
I never quite understood why New Yorkers don't go to Times Square.

For the most part, real New Yorkers avoided it for decades unless they were unfortunate enough to work there, today theatre-minded types more often for the good theatre scene. I'm not so sure about transplants. Tourists love it. I intensely dislike it since Disneyfication under Giuliani. Up until it's sterilization it had charactor, edge and plenty of glitzy signs - like our Yonge Street back in the day.

Yonge-Dundas Square I've come to like. The Square. It is a good meeting place much of the time. If the aspiration is to be Times Square/Piccadilly Circus-ish (etc.), do it right with the signs. And they will, one day. It's not my thing but it's as good a place as any for it.
I never quite understood why New Yorkers don't go to Times Square.

Because the area is impossibly crowded with slow-walking tourists who stop to take photos every so often, and also dominated by equally crowded or generally expensive (or both) chain restaurants that feed of the hype surrounding the place. The place is loud and feels like a circus. New York offers an astounding array of restaurants and night-life options, and a wide range of intimate, cool or sexy places. Times Square is just a gaudy tourist attraction and the New Yorkers who do go there tend to be those employed in the nearby office buildings.
They are testing the video screen

From this evening

I was by there today and just from that tiny square on the left, you can tell that the quality of this screen, is going to be much better than the other screens in Dundas Square.
Call me crazy but I love Times Square, and truth be told a lot of New Yorkers do too (secretly, even if they avoid it like the plague). I don't shop or eat there - yeah ok, Sardi's after a show or John's Pizza and a few others if i have to - but i've spent lots of time waiting in line there for half priced tickets and it's always a thrilling experience, a spectacle that never ceases to engage the senses!

It's a shame that Dundas Square is so heavily programmed because it could have a Times Square-type vibe eventually, though on a much smaller scale obviously. A Shibuya vibe though? Not from what i've heard, but then again there are other areas in Toronto where people go to meet and hang out in small restaurants and bars etc.
Wait a sec'... so urban must = cool? That seems more than a little parochial to me.
Hate to say it, but all the media towers in the area didn't help with the ambiance of the area - they all look rather tired, shabby and not at all engaging. One can dress them up with more advanced screens, but at the end of the day, they aren't really integral to the buildings they're attached to and it shows.

Slapping giant screens / adds on the side of building, as is done in Times Square, really doesn't come off any better (at least to me).
