Toronto 540 King West | 50.66m | 15s | Allied | Hariri Pontarini

Any word on the start of this build?
No. As mentioned on the previous page, on the approvals side this building has been appealed to the LPAT, while on the marketing side there's been nothing of that yet, so not anytime soon it would seem

Allied just bought Jacobs so we can expect that this will be further delayed while they incorporate that into the plans.

Thanks for the info.

For clarification, is the below now the site footprint?

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Close. Does not include Rotblott's / Mr. Safety Shoes on the north corner.


The AIC shows 9 Morrison, on the north side of the lane as being in the application.

The building also shows a Richmond address of 443, which is not listed in the app.

That's confusing!


This one is approved at OLT

There were some tweaks made to appease the TDSB, but the new plans don't appear to be on the City's site just yet; and the reports above, as yet, remain confidential.

But the OLT decision is not.

Here we find:


Edit to add for emphasis, the height cited above is 12s while the thread title currently references 15s.

This appears to be part of the settlement to me:

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