Toronto 540 King West | 50.66m | 15s | Allied | Hariri Pontarini

April 28, 2022: Allied's First Quarter conference call today - it was mentioned that Allied has acquired Great Gulf's interest in the project and now owns it outright. With Allied now having full control of the project, plans are to modify the office component to more fully orient it towards the technology client market, with modern construction techniques, possibly including wood based components and greater environmental efficiency - targeting a net zero structure. The residential component strategy will probable by rental as opposed to condominium. Project anticipated to launch by the end of the year.
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April 28, 2022: Allied's First Quarter conference call today - it was mentioned that Allied has acquired Great Gulf's interest in the project and now owns it outright. With Allied now having full control of the project, plans are to modify the office component to more fully orient it towards the technology client market, with modern construction techniques, possibly including wood based components and greater environmental efficiency - targeting a net zero structure. The residential component strategy will probable by rental as opposed to condominium. Project anticipated to launch by the end of the year.

By project launch, would that also mean demolition beginning by the end of this year? Thanks for the update!
any updates on project launch with this? Still end of the year? Anyone know anyone at Allied that can provide more info?
