Toronto 540 King West | 50.66m | 15s | Allied | Hariri Pontarini

Lots of condos successfully incorporated retail and commercial spaces, I don't see why not? Bisha is a key example, Thompson Hotel too
Having a healthy balance of commercial and retail spaces is important for any vibrant area no doubt, but I've always saw Early Mercy as a transient business for that plot of land until it gets developed. They entered the lease sometime when this already became an active application. If they intend to continue operations then the natural course of action would be relocating to a different space when redevelopment starts.
The former Pizza Pizza store is being cleared out. And Early Mercy looks like it is gone, certainly not reopening any time soon. The windows are all papered up, no signs of any clean up or pre-reopening preparations going on.


I like Early Mercy...sad to see they're not even relocating...hoping there's new clubs open later in the "Entertainment" District...
I like Early Mercy...sad to see they're not even relocating...hoping there's new clubs open later in the "Entertainment" District...

The city’s policy for the Entertainment District has long been to decentralize it and prevent a cluster from forming. Adam Vaughan did it with the original club district around Richmond & Peter but it just formed a new cluster on King Street. When new bar licenses were denied on King, it started forming on Ossington.

That said, every club on King was already on the chopping block before COVID. Now, they’re definitely dead, unable to open for the forseeable future. Early Mercy was always temporary.

What a contrast between that wild, sensuous brick podium and the window-wall-and-spandrel mess of the residential portion. If it's any consolation, I guess the residential part of this project won't be super visible from King.
This kinda project is making wish they keep the podium portions, while making the rest of the building we don't have to look at the rest.
