Why not start doing the sidewalk work in April leaving provision where it will meet the track work after it built??
- It seems the TTC wants to get the heavy work out of the way first... you'd have to ask them why they have first dibs.
What do business want or expect with the old infrastructure that needs to be replace??
- I realize fully that old pipes and roads have to be replaced but it HAS TO be done in a competent, professional manner. Phase 1 is already 2 months over budget and will go into a 3rd easily. St.Clair is in some parts a ghost town. From talking with friends in that area, they have told me almost 1/3rd of Businesses have turned over. Anyone driving up into that area can see the damage that the construction has done. A Construction company that bids on a Tender that says that the pipes are 100 years old (for example) should expect delays and build that into their bid's time line.
Again this blaming construction for business failure is a joke?
Saying cars support the business is saying if it wasn't for the horses and buggy's, business who not survive 100+ years ago.
- Most businesses would not survive 100 years ago in today's mind set because back then there weren't dozens of other same businesses in their town/city. All one has to do is DRIVE or take the TTC to a Mall that dot the city. Roncesvalles is a destination for a sizeable minority of revenue down here. Do you really believe that local inhabitants make up all of the revenue for Roncie? If you do, you are out of touch with reality. People are creatures of habit... if something gets in our way we will find new places to go and new things to do.
Business come and go as the market changes over the years as well how well it is run in the first place. At the same time, is the business the right one for the area as well how many competitors are you competing again you in the area??
- I agree fully with you... it's quite Darwinian.
If one looks at this area, it has a large cycling community visiting and shopping compare to rest of the city.
- yes it does have a large proportion of cyclists but really... are you going to pick up 3 gallons of paint from the local Hardware store on a bike... again, reality check.
The BIA wanted this change and knew full well what was going to happen.
- I'm sure they wanted change, but they wanted someone competent to do it. All we have seen from both Comer and Varcon are delays and damages... and a complete lack of support for the community they are working in.
90% of the cars parked on the street are driven by single driver with some of them working in the stores or live above the store in the first place.
- What survey, census did you base those figures from? While some parking may be taken up by residents (Apartment or Business), 90 % seems wildly high.
The feet traffic is about 5-1 vs.cars if not more. Transit out strips the cars along this area.
- While I agree with you about the TTC bringing more people into the neighbourhood than private cars, there is ONLY northbound bus traffic now and if my (gu)estimation is right, full north and southbound service won't return until Spring of next year. Many people who live outside of this area come down on the weekends and not all take the TTC.
As to damages cause by the construction, what damages has been caused not related to business as I have over 1,000 photo's of before and during construction for the whole section to say ya or na??
- Both Loons and Intersteer have had flooding (and sizeable costs for repair) and a few other places have had items get damaged / destroyed from falling off of shelves from the vibrations that the machinery created.
This area is the only area I know city wide that has got road repaved for special events as well construction stop, as well over the winter months.
- As the centre of the City's (and quite possibly the Province's) Polish community, special attention should have been placed on repaving a small portion of torn up road to accommodate the Festival. Winter construction is happening dummy because Varcon is so woefully behind schedule... ps... not everyone here thought that the repaving for the Polis Festival was such a smart idea.
The ward councilor has got money ($10' of thousands) wasted to please the residents and Business, so you should be grateful to him for doing this as it has never happen city wide.
- If you want waste, don't look at he "whining" Roncesvalles business owners, or residents... look at City Hall's waste that occurs (probably) daily. As to being grateful, I don't know too many people here who would use that word to describe any interaction with him. Spineless and incompetent would be better. And as well, isn't it the Councillor's job to look out for his constituents?
Look, I know that there is pain and destruction when something like this happens, but if the City and the Contractors act in an unprofessional manner and waste time and money the only people who suffer are the people who live and work in the area being redeveloped. I am not an idiot... I can accept blame and responsiblity if something I do makes someone else suffer... it's high time that our Councillors did the same.