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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Opinion tide seems to be turning. I think Olivia's going to look great tomorrow. The only candidate who didn't back out on priority neighbourhoods? That's the principled stand.
Olivia is so lost, she thinks she's taking the high ground by saying, "I'm going to debate because that's what the people deserve!" instead of saying "I'm not going to let a bully opponent dictate the rules."

She's getting killed on Twitter for it:

Her team is full of idiots. She could have condemned Doug Ford's actions while still promising to show up for the debate because of the importance of the issue.

Epic fail.
Opinion tide seems to be turning. I think Olivia's going to look great tomorrow. The only candidate who didn't back out on priority neighbourhoods? That's the principled stand.

I doubt it. No one's taking about her much. It'll be about ferd and Tory. Olivia is pretty near fringe at this point. She didn't back out of this debate because she thinks the way to win is to make Tory look bad - not true.
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I doubt it. No one's taking about her much. It'll be about ferd and Tory. Olivia is pretty near fringe at this point. She didn't back out because she thinks the way to win is to make Tory look bad - not true.

I agree that her team is crummy and that she didn't handle this situation particularly well, but I think the idea that the right move was to drop out and abandon the priority neighbourhood debate is misguided. Ford slings poo and priority neighbourhoods get fucked over again.
Opinion tide seems to be turning. I think Olivia's going to look great tomorrow. The only candidate who didn't back out on priority neighbourhoods? That's the principled stand.

90% of the people who have heard this story don't know who was hosting the debate though clearly she is trying to spin that as the issue.
All everyone knows is Doug threw a tantrum and the organizers caved.

Would it be more or less of a "principled stand" if this debate was being put on by the Board of Trade or the UJA or any other group? No - it's just convenient for her to say this is about the priority neighbourhoods.

Everyone knows Doug's tactics. The organizer is to blame for caving and Tory took the principled stand which is, "If you're disinviting candidates from a debate because of one candidate's request, it's not a fair debate and I'm not participating."

See, Doug can say that about Ari because he's small potatoes and he's a meanie. He WANTS Tory there so he can blah blah about "BackTrack" and Charter and say "What's the Story, Mr. Tory?" ten times.
He wants Olivia there because she will leave him alone and also go at Tory.
Otherwise, if either of them were the threat that 'insignificant' Goldkind is, he could just as easily have forced the organizers' hand by saying, "If Tory isn't there, I'm not either," and Olivia's hypocrisy would be even clearer.

(On principle, part of me would support Goldkind/Chow/Tory saying they're not attending any more debates with this Ford moron, but practically speaking the issue is that if Doug, a legit candidate, was invited by their host, it's not their place to dictate otherwise.)
Sorry, so someone told Goldkind that Chow "backed" Ford, and now we're excoriating her because she didn't make Tory's grand gesture?

Any actual evidence of this?

Yeah. Olivia's saying she would attend because the debate was about priority neighbourhoods, which shouldn't be subject to political bickering. I can buy that. Now, if there's proof of Ari's statement, that's a whole other story...
Don Peat @reporterdonpeat
"I will be available every day to debate against my 2 main competitors from now until election night" Doug Ford statement #TOpoli

One competitor, and one enabler.

With the FN howlers in the cheering section, and no Ari.

How many times has Doug said he'll never debate Ari again? This one of those weird Ford things: they say they aren't going to do something, then go do it again. Rinse and repeat. It's weird.
Jennifer Pagliaro @jpags
OK...Ari Goldkind has been re-invited to the debate. He is going. So, Tory is now again going to the debate, spokesperson confirms.

I would assume Chow as well. That leaves Doug as the odd man out.
It's almost as if she wants him to win.

I made an off-hand remark on Facebook earlier today that the best strategic vote for Chow supporters would be Ford. He would be unable to get consensus from council on any of his ideas leaving the middle and left-leaning councillors to essentially run the show.

Three cheers for weak mayors.

the same lefty council who approved trashing the funded Scarborough LRT in favour of Rob Ford's Scarborough subway?? -- and did this after the crack video allegations and a bunch of other sh!t about Ford came out, they still caved in to him like that?

No thanks, I don't trust those mugs.
I agree that her team is crummy and that she didn't handle this situation particularly well, but I think the idea that the right move was to drop out and abandon the priority neighbourhood debate is misguided. Ford slings poo and priority neighbourhoods get fucked over again.

Ford should be called out for disrupting this process for that reason. She needn't drop out, but do something. To date she hasn't done anything to call out ford worth noting. This was a great chance, and she blew it again.
How is this "backing" Ford? It seems to be deferring to the organizer to work it out. This is being spun as if Chow agrees with this because she didn't make Tory's "principled" move.

And forgive me for saying so, but Goldkind has little no public profile beyond #TOpoli and the hyper-aware types here. Calling him a "fringe" candidate may be unfair, but he is most certainly a minor candidate with no political experience. Sure, he's a good speaker and has absolutely nothing to lose in debates, but there's intrinsic reason why he should be in debates. His platform is pretty decent. But being mayor is about more than being good in debates and preparing a wish list of progressive policy.

With all due respect, he is making more substance of these debates than previously shown by 'real' candidates. So, for that reason alone he should perhaps be accorded more credibility than 'Crazy Kilt-Man' or 'PETA-Endorsed Drag Queen'. (Let's leave the earnest teenager out of this).

Secondly, to parse your comment and selectively edit it:

"...he is most certainly a ...candidate with no political experience. Sure, he's a...(bullshitter) and has absolutely (every)thing to lose in debates, but there's (no) intrinsic reason why he should be in debates. His platform is (vacant). But being mayor is about more than being (afraid of) debates and preparing a wish list of (non-existent) policy."

That's Doug Ford.

So, is there a good reason why HE should be in debates, let alone seemingly dictate their terms? Goldkind's a no-hoper in this circus, no doubt. But if he brings something of value, or more value to it, he should participate as much as the others. Doug Ford has media cover/momentum. That shouldn't mean he is in any way a more valid candidate than Goldkind. Without the media, Doug is just an asshole blowhard. With the media he's an asshole blowhard with a megaphone. Plus attendant page clicks, ad revenue and audience.

Anyone who exposes him as such is more than welcome, IMHO.
I don't see that as "backing" Ford. Looks more Heath is trying not to get dragged into the mudslinging. But it's a weak and discouraging response, I give you that. YMMV.

It's the ol Bush Doctrine: She wasn't against Doug, so she might as well have been for him.

Like I said before, just as on Switcheroo Friday, she tried to look like the sensitives, smart person with her eye on the ball. Instead she comes across as wishy washy. Maybe that's not fair but that's how it looks. (Read Tory's statement - it's perfect. Says he's happy to debate, but he's not letting someone bully everyone else.)

The mere fact that Doug's statement echoes Olivia's (it's a shame John is refusing to address the crucial issues in our priority neighbourhoods) tells you a lot. She's just getting played by him.

I would assume Chow as well. That leaves Doug as the odd man out.

As it should be. And as it should have been in the first place. Suck on that, Massoudi.
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