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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Sorry, you know they're going to drop hard evidence later in the week as fact? Or you're just hoping?

I can never tell when you're speculating or communicating insider info...

It's a combination of both. There's word that the Globe has more to this story. Besides, they interviewed several actual witnesses who were questioned separately and whose stories match. That's hard evidence to me. The Globe will demonstrate it.

Also: The Star is finishing up their own investigation related to the video, set to be published next week (the investigation, not the video).
It may have been futile, but I just donated another $5 to the campaign. That said, despite cracking the $170,000 mark, it is clear that the momentum has died. If current trends continue, which I am not saying will happen but is a possibility, I don't expect it to hit the $200K mark - at least without Gawker covering the difference.

I'm gonna repost this, from yesterday -

I'm gonna call it right now - Gawker will top up the amount that's needed to hit $200K minutes before the deadline hits in order to at least have a reasonably good chance of getting the tape out - they can stall for as long as is necessary until the drug dealer comes out of hiding. They have too much riding on it now to let $20K or $30K be the deciding factor between getting their brand tarnished, and being the heroes that got the video out into the open. Worst case scenario is that they take the $200K to a charity and are forever labelled Good Guy Gawker.
It's a combination of both. There's word that the Globe has more to this story. Besides, they interviewed several actual witnesses who were questioned separately and whose stories match. That's hard evidence to me. The Globe will demonstrate it.

Also: The Star is finishing up their own investigation related to the video, set to be published next week (the investigation, not the video).

Yay! I really hope the video is out... who really knows, but since we're at $170K I really do believe they will top it up. We will likely be at $180K by tomorrow night (though the lack of a spike in the wake of the Globe story kinda sucks), and then another push in the final 24 hours when gawker will probably stick it to the top of their page. Even if we only make it to $185K by Monday night (a real possiblity), I'm betting that Gawker didn't blow it's wad at the start. As I said in the post above, the worst case scenario for them is that they end up making a huge donation. They may have to worry about that iPhone perk not being fulfilled, though...
I'm trying to find out what the statue of limitations is on this. Anybody know? If this had happened recently, there is a lot of evidence here for the police to go on and lay charges. I wonder if it's still valid. He's not just a little seller, he was a major player back then. That's why this is so significant.
Rob Ford is ranting like a mad man on CP24. Talking directly to the camera asking parents to think about their children. He is scared.
Talking directly to the camera asking parents to think about their children.

If I am a parent and I have children, I will indeed think - about how a) I would *hate* for them to associate with anyone like those in his family and b) hope that they don't turn out to be anything like them.

I'm trying to find out what the statue of limitations is on this. Anybody know? If this had happened recently, there is a lot of evidence here for the police to go on and lay charges. I wonder if it's still valid. He's not just a little seller, he was a major player back then. That's why this is so significant.

I don't believe there is one, but you'd be hard pressed to make the case 30 years after the fact and demonstrate it beyond a reasonable doubt in the court of law.
CP24 just reported that Doug Fraud said they've saved taxpayers billions of dollars !?!?!

well Toronto should be able to go on with the Sheppard subway then since the Fraud bros saved us billions already !
CP24 just reported that Doug Fraud said they've saved taxpayers billions of dollars !?!?!

He's said that before. When Princess Warrior "Marg Delahunty" famously nailed Rob in his driveway she also got a minute with Doug outside City Hall and questioned him on the billions of dollars in savings. How can we trust someone who says they have saved the city billions of dollars, with a "b"? I mean seriously, this is what these guys are made of. Remember when they hired KPMG to find efficiencies after they found little and even KPMG had few recommendations, all at the cost to "the taxpayer"? Other examples could be easily found.
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I'm almost at the point where I can't handle any more crazy new info about the Fords. At least not while they remain in office. I can see why Ford Nation is in denial - facing reality would be too upsetting, it's too much cognitive dissonance (or whatever it's called).

I also half-wonder if one of the Fords will have mental breakdown, like the guy who did the KONY 2012 video.
To take a page out of the Fords' playbook, I'll use a sports euphemism, the Star and Globe have delivered a "one-two combo". IMHO Robbie is still mayor because of his support system, and this the right cross that may get the TKO. ;)

Except there is nothing to compel them to step down. They can keep going on like this till their blue in the face, and there isn't really anything anyone can do to make them.
sob sob sob .... DF sounds like a cry baby .... we're being attacked.
i've given so much back to the community. we've had so many picnics annually in our own back yards .... blah blah blah
Except there is nothing to compel them to step down. They can keep going on like this till their blue in the face, and there isn't really anything anyone can do to make them.

This is true, there is no procedure in place to force a Mayor to step down in this situation. On the other hand, I seem to recall that City Council could use a "nuclear option" of stripping the Mayor of all meaningful power, if they wanted to. He would still be officially Mayor, but without the power to do more than cut ribbons at store openings.

As far as amalgamation goes, it has been clear to me for some time that it would inevitably result in mostly right-wing buffoons being elected Mayor by the suburbs. The only exceptions would be when the Mayor has made such a mess of City finances, and become such an embarrassment, that a non-right-winger is elected to clean up the mess left behind -- but once they have the City back to a healthy state, the suburbs will elect another buffoon and the cycle will begin again. De-amalgamation is the only viable long-term solution.
As far as amalgamation goes, it has been clear to me for some time that it would inevitably result in mostly right-wing buffoons being elected Mayor by the suburbs. The only exceptions would be when the Mayor has made such a mess of City finances, and become such an embarrassment, that a non-right-winger is elected to clean up the mess left behind -- but once they have the City back to a healthy state, the suburbs will elect another buffoon and the cycle will begin again. De-amalgamation is the only viable long-term solution.

Let's not forget Ford rode in on the Gravy Train as a result of the Miller administration. There is plenty of buffoonery to go around.
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