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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I know, but he's also as high as a m*therfuc*er, so who knows. Also, Freud is dead.

Robbie is comfortable speaking in slang when on something. The speech is slang similar to Jive from the 20's through to the late 40's. Ever wonder what "Jones" means when the brothers talk to each other.

And why is that?
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Ford Escort?



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One problem with MacIntyre's claim that the murder rant was filmed March 2012 was that Ford has already won his conflict of interest appeal. So the reference to waiting until after the by-election doesn't make sense. I still wouldn't be surprised if Ford is behind the jailhouse beating. One other option for the murder rant video is the days after the crack video story broke. The Fords said they wanted to hold an early election because so many were calling for him to step down. Remember, they kept saying let the people decide. The racist could be Mo the Broker because he complained about Rob exploiting black youths.

I posted this once before, but it was a while ago. MacIntyre's claim put the video timing before March 19, 2012, which also happens to be the date of the federal byelection for the Toronto-Danforth seat vacated when Jack Layton died. Based on this, my guess is that this is the byelection that is talked about in the video, at least in MacIntyre's version.

Edit: I see now that SnoMan has already mentioned this.
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We're through the looking glass, people!

But what's the connection with Bohemian Grove, the trilateral commission and the robot that replaced David Rockefeller?

Well, since were officially at the bottom of the rabbit hole anyways, I'll bet the gun in the photo Donovan wrote about is a 6.5mm Carcano Model 91/38 carbine.
I posted this once before, but it was a while ago. MacIntyre's claim put the video timing before March 19, 2012, which also happens to be the date of the federal byelection for the Toronto-Danforth seat vacated when Jack Layton died. Based on this, my guess is that this is the byelection that is talked about in the video, at least in MacIntyre's version.

Edit: I see now that SnoMan has already mentioned this.

No worries, it's come up before (maybe a thousand pages ago(o_O) ) I'm still trying to work out why that by-election would make any difference to RoFo at all regarding the timing for MacIntyre's beating... but it fits really well with the timing of the beating. And so far Jimmi T's version with the potential Mayoral by-election make more sense, but screws the timing...
No worries, it's come up before (maybe a thousand pages ago(o_O) ) I'm still trying to work out why that by-election would make any difference to RoFo at all regarding the timing for MacIntyre's beating... but it fits really well with the timing of the beating. And so far Jimmi T's version with the potential Mayoral by-election make more sense, but screws the timing...

I've tried to figure out the same thing. I thought maybe Ford had thrown support behind the Conservative candidate, but the result of the byelection put him a distant third with 5.37% of the vote. Even a delusional Ford couldn't expect a win for the Cons in this riding. Perhaps before the "murder rant" Ford was engaging in some braggadocio that if he had run instead he could have carried the riding for the Cons, prompting the off camera voice to jokingly mock him with "after you win the byelection"?
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I posted this once before, but it was a while ago. MacIntyre's claim put the video timing before March 19, 2012, which also happens to be the date of the federal byelection for the Toronto-Danforth seat vacated when Jack Layton died. Based on this, my guess is that this is the byelection that is talked about in the video, at least in MacIntyre's version.

Edit: I see now that SnoMan has already mentioned this.

I looked into that byelection briefly. I didn't really think a Toronto-Danforth byelection would be it, but you never know.

Ford appears to have contributed to both Gordon Grant's (Liberal) campaign on March 7 and then to Andrew Keyes' campaign (Conservative) on March 19. $500 apiece.

I checked to see if Ford was publicly involved with either campaign. Didn't turn anything up. Apparently he said he didn't think Keyes had a chance on one of his radio shows, but it didn't seem like he had any direct involvement. I also searched to see if the Fords or Deco had any connection to Key Gordon or Armantus, which are Gordon's and Keyes' respective communication companies (aka their day jobs). Nothing turned up, though I didn't spend much time on it.

If in fact the word "byelection" is being heard correctly, I'm more inclined to believe it's in reference to a potential byelection due to the COI case. I can't see Ford really caring about any but that one. That would put the timing in late 2012/early 2013.
MacIntyre may simply be wrong that the murder rant video is about him. My partner has even floated the idea that MacIntyre knows full well the video isn't about him but has included it as part of his claim because it casts such a negative light on Ford. Think about it.

The argument that Ford is an average, hardworking family man incapable of something as outlandish as a jailhouse beating kind of goes out the window when there is video evidence of him threatening to murder some motherf***** by ripping his throat out. Finding a way to bring such a damaging video into MacIntyre's case is kind of genius - as much as Ford can argue it's not about MacIntyre, he can't very well argue that it isn't him, nor can he argue that he would never say such violent things. It also links Ford to Payman beyond a casual relationship of coaching football together.

Moreover, it already seems to be working. Ford has resorted to the hilariously laughable Hulk Hogan defence. Ford's lawyer is no dummy - he knows their only chance is to argue that the video is a just a joke. But while a judge/jury might not believe either party's version of the video, it's not hard to see which one they will believe less!
I think Payman was referring to the possible by-election for mayor after Ford was ordered removed from office in Nov 2012.
I think that's what the by-election comment is referring to, as well. I seem to recall reading in Crazy Town that Ford was devastated when found guilty and he was certain that he would lose the appeal, as well. That might explain why Ford is so upset in the video. He won the appeal on January 27, 2013 which would mean the video was filmed before then. Perhaps the murder rant is directed towards Judge Hackland?
MacIntyre may simply be wrong that the murder rant video is about him. My partner has even floated the idea that MacIntyre knows full well the video isn't about him but has included it as part of his claim because it casts such a negative light on Ford. Think about it.

The argument that Ford is an average, hardworking family man incapable of something as outlandish as a jailhouse beating kind of goes out the window when there is video evidence of him threatening to murder some motherf***** by ripping his throat out. Finding a way to bring such a damaging video into MacIntyre's case is kind of genius - as much as Ford can argue it's not about MacIntyre, he can't very well argue that it isn't him, nor can he argue that he would never say such violent things. It also links Ford to Payman beyond a casual relationship of coaching football together.

Moreover, it already seems to be working. Ford has resorted to the hilariously laughable Hulk Hogan defence. Ford's lawyer is no dummy - he knows their only chance is to argue that the video is a just a joke. But while a judge/jury might not believe either party's version of the video, it's not hard to see which one they will believe less!

That's an interesting angle - it acts as a negative character reference for Ford, and puts him on the defensive.
Thing is Paymans brother told me last fall that it was filmed the winter Ford was removed from office but then won his appeal--so some time between Nov 2012 and late Jan 2013

Yes, I saw your reply to Snoman after I posted. I like what kaboi just said about this above.
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