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Rob Ford's Toronto

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nfitz, you clearly live in your delusional world.
I don't see any need to start making personal attacks. Simply because I don't agree with you acceptance of bigotry, isn't justification to accuse those that don't agree with you of being delusional.

There is something unhealthy about your obsession with this man.
There is something unhealthy about letting an unapologetic bigot lead the city.

You keep referring to Ford's raging intolerance against everyone but can't provide one shred of evidence.
I don't think I've ever once referred to Ford's raging intolerance against everyone. I've provided plenty of detailed evidence, and I've even argued against some who have said he is racist, noting that the evidence really doesn't let you conclude it. Clearly you don't know of what you speak.

And I hate to break the news to you pal, but everyone has some kind of prejudice against other groups. It's called human nature. You should see my workplace. Multiple ethnic/racial/gender groups and their quiet comments about each other. It happens everywhere.]
I don't see this. I've worked in similar workplaces ... I saw a Rumanian once launch a bigoted tirade about another ethnic group from his country ... but nothing else jumps to mind in the last decade or two. I've heard some class-based stuff ... but given the targets were from all races, it really wasn't racial/ethnic/gender. Yes, I guess it still seems okay to bash male and females ... not sure why. But other than that.

If you are aware of real bigotry, and failing to report it to the authorities at your place of employment, then you are part of the problem.

All we've done in our progressive, PC society is drive this underground.
And that's a bad thing? Do you pine for the good old days when you could not hire someone because they were black? That you could fire your secretary because she wouldn't sleep with you? That you could blackmail your boss because they were gay?

And you too have demonstrated on multiple occasions your own intolerance towards others for not sharing your own world view. You're just as bigoted as those you accuse.
I'm bigoted only against those that break the law. I hate bigots - that's all. I'm not talking about jokes about Swiss precision, French bureaucracy, German organization, English cooking, and Scottish fiscal management here.
What taxes did he increase?
He increased personal income taxes shortly after being elected in 2006. Later on he did lower them back again (to where they still remain today, but the first thing he did was raise them. He also has increased both the EI and CPP taxes. And he's significantly increased taxes on income trusts. Just to name a few off the top of my head ... may be more .. might not be more.
Why should he? Based on your argument, 47% of Toronto voters are bigots. Etobicoke is bigot center. If the recent polls are correct, the majority of the city are probably bigots.
That makes no sense. I've said that those who knew he was a bigot and knowingly supported him are bigots. I've also said that I think that most people that supported him would be shocked to find out he really was a bigot. If you do the math, then that is a minority that are bigots, not a majority

We leave in the city of bigots according to you
I'd certainly leave if there was a city of bigots; I'm yet to encounter this, and point to the error you made in the preceding paragraph.

it's only fit to have somebody who according to you is a bigot as mayor. No?
No. You think otherwise, but I say no.

Exactly. His never ending drivel and attacks on those who refuse to bend to his personal world view is tiresome.
Someone puts words in my mouth that I never said, and attacks me on those words, and then you agree with it? Perhaps you should do some critical thinking here.

Good to see someone else calling this guy out on his hypocritical BS. I'm sick of people like this guy that insist their way of thinking and model for society is the only way and that everyone else that feels differently are wrong and deserving of being demonized and marginalized. People like nfitz claim to believe in the rights for others to different opinions/views but only as long as it fits their model.
So what does this mean. That your world view that it's okay to discriminate against gays? Cause that's all I'm saying is that it's not okay to discriminate against gays.

I said it earlier but nfitz is a raging intolerant person in his own right.
Because I'm intolerant of those who discriminate against gays?

Why would anyone tolerate someone that discriminates against gays?
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Are homosexuals who don't like straight people bigots, would they describe themselves as heterophobic?
Presumably ...

I can't say I've ever seen too many examples of this in politics though. Any examples?

Is this the part where you tell us that it's unfair to call you homophobic because you aren't literally afraid of gay people? You just don't agree with the lifestyle, right?
LOL ... I'd always thought that homophobes were simply a subset of those who were anti-gay. And I'd also think that some who were homophobic were not anti-gay ... just inexperienced.
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I just don't understand how an alleged fiscal conservative who is concerned with the city's financial situation can avoid endorsing one of the biggest annual economic events in the city, one that attracts huge numbers of tourists, and injects huge amounts of money into the local economy.

Ford is the mayor of one of the largest cities in North America. He represents all the people of that city. To pointedly ignore such a large and economically important part of that community says a lot about him as a leader.
Wow ... I have to say, I'm actually surprised by this.

The media is reporting that Rob Ford did skip the flag raising for the Pride kickoff at City Hall.

Given how much the media has been going after him (even Sue-Ann Levy has criticized Ford on the issue), I figured that he'd make one or two token but safe appearances during the week to give the appearance that he's not anti-gay.

I fail to understand the logic of his handlers. If he is as progressive and supportive of gays as they make out (and some of you here insist), why would they want to give the image that he is so backwards? It's not like his supporters are going to see a picture of him raising a flag, and suddenly vote for Giambrone in the next election. And Lastman (who freely admitted he was uncomfortable with gays - something that Ford has never said out loud) was never hurt by the images of him cavorting during the parade.

I imagine that his handlers in City Hall are pulling their hair out ...
He tweeted after the flag raising that he had spent the morning doing a walkthrough of the Air Canada Centre. Obviously something like that had to take priority over the kick-off to a major event that brings in a hundred million dollars of tourist revenues and is important to the identity of a great deal of this city's residents.
I honestly thought that after all the media attention directed at him for skipping the Pride parade he'd definitely make the flag raising and read the proclamation, but he was a no-show. That would have satisfied me. I wonder what his thoughts were touring the ACC and seeing it sober? He is however now considering the parade, but it's too late - I hope for his own good he stays away. At this point I can't see him getting a warm reception.
He just stepped into his first big pile of sh*t and there's many more piles out there. It brings me comfort he'll only survive one term.
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I honestly thought that after all the media attention directed at him for skipping the Pride parade he'd definitely make the flag raising and read the proclamation, but he was a no-show. That would have satisfied me. I wonder what his thoughts were touring the ACC and seeing it sober? He is however now considering the parade, but it's too late - I hope for his own good he stays away. At this point I can't see him getting a warm reception.
He just stepped into his first big pile of sh*t and there's many more piles out there. It brings me comfort he'll only survive one term.

that's just so sad to not even attend the proclamation at city hall.
i don't think really many cared if he marched in the PARADE, but something as symbolic as the proclamation would have been proper.
regardless of one's sexuality and personal opinions, Ford neglected a role as mayor.

will RF's term end by 2014?
what will he do then when World Pride comes to TO since the 2014 events will replace the city's usual Pride Week, and will be scheduled to celebrate Canada Day and the U.S. Independence Day.
what will he do then when World Pride comes to TO since the 2014 events will replace the city's usual Pride Week, and will be scheduled to celebrate Canada Day and the U.S. Independence Day.
Unless he has an epiphany between now and then, probably head to the cottage.

If he pulls this kind of stunt in 2014, I can't imagine how badly the international media will eviscerate him. Perhaps we should wave out to the intern at The Guardian who will read this thread 4 years from now ...
With the caveat that I have been wrong about Ford before, I think the Pride episode is another example of what will be Ford's eventual undoing: that many of his views are almost uniquely extreme in Toronto's mainstream civic culture. Bay St business conservatives don't have any problem with Pride (as a quick scan of the logos on the floats will confirm), just as they--and lots of other self-described right-of-centre folk--don't have a problem with waterfront development or heritage designations or closing streets for charity runs. If Ford wants to hide in his bunker, things may get very lonely.
I thought Ford said he was "three hundred pounds of fun"? Turns out he's 300 pounds of pure misery. What a party-pooper!

I think his disrespect is unforgivable. Would it have killed him to go to just the flag raising? He is making it quite clear what he thinks of the gay community.

What a sad day for this city and it's sad-sack mayor!
I happened to go to the flag-raising, along with BuildTO, today. Poor Frances Nunziata, in apparently misunderstanding the purpose of the boos that her mention of the Mayor's name raised, suggested that people leave the Square ... which only made things worse since this was an event to celebrate and express gay pride.

Free BBQ-type thing, too.
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