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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

So apparently Ford now has a 9 nine point lead over the next in line. Aren't we getting really close to the election now? I'm kinda scared, lol.

I'd be tempted to say something like "If Ford wins, I'm moving back to ..." but I lose money on my condo if I sell now :p

I think this is Ford's peak. There are still some 30% undecided and Smitherman's performance in the CARP debate feels a bit like a turning point. Interesting that Pantalone is polling in a solid third place, too.
Joe's weakness will be his debating. Despite being in this country for half of his life, English is still his second language and he seems to be too soft spoken. He has to improve if he's to get the electorate's attention.

I've decided to support him but I will gladly jump ship if he doesn't improve his standing in the polls within the next month. I don't know how I'd live in a Toronto with Rob Ford as Mayor.

P.S. Just ran into Miller on Bay st. earlier today. I asked him who he'd vote for. Of course he didn't answer the question... oh well. Joey Pants it is.
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I saw Miller out jogging near High Park the other morning and wanted to stop him and say, hey, I'm voting for __ now do you want to tell me I'm a moron? :D

Interestingly enough, if DM was running for mayor this year, his image (white waspy family man in a wealthy suburb) would neatly fit the stereotype of the average pro-family values conservative that many leftwing UT-ites seem to have a problem with.

Anyone remember my tagline? It seems to be working.:D
I'm not from TO.. So I'd like to ask the question:

What are the top 3 things you fear most about Smitherman/Ford?
Joe's weakness will be his debating. Despite being in this country for half of his life, English is still his second language and he seems to be too soft spoken. He has to improve if he's to get the electorate's attention.

I've decided to support him but I will gladly jump ship if he doesn't improve his standing in the polls within the next month. I don't know how I'd live in a Toronto with Rob Ford as Mayor.

The same way I had to endure living here with David Miller as the Mayor, I guess. Sadly, Joey Pants voters will shift their vote to Smitherman in an "anyone but Ford" move, while Rocco and Thompson voters will probably split down the middle. Hence, Smitherman wins by a nose.

Even if Rob Ford loses though he'll win, and in a way I think the residents of Toronto will, too. Initially many considered Rob Ford's candadicy to be a joke. Well, who's laughing now? Rob Ford's success thus far has demonstrated just how out-of-touch the establishment is. Even in defeat his status would be elevated 10 fold from where it was 4 months ago.

As for Smitherman, the writing is on the wall. If he wins he's going to have to seriously address the spending down at City Hall or he'll get turfed for sure (and Ford would win in a landslide next time). People are finally starting to listen to what Rob Ford has been railing about for years.

Make no mistake, I want Ford in now, but even in defeat he could affect serious changes. I would rather have a Mayor who occasionally makes some mistakes and has experience in Toronto's political circus, rather than one who has lived in the insular castle of the Ontario Legislature and is merely looking to add another line to his political CV in order to get a fat consulting gig with the Prov/Fed Government.
I'm not from TO.. So I'd like to ask the question:

What are the top 3 things you fear most about Smitherman/Ford?

Smitherman -
-will say anything to get in.
-Precedence shows he's all 'business' within the inner circle and doesn't neccesary make good decisions (E-health as HC Minister and Samsung as Energy/infrastructure Min.
-will make decisions based on political calculus, and not the 'tough' ones that will be necessary to move this city forward.

Pros : he'll look good as the Mayor of Toronto visiting all those international forums.

-4 lost years - nothing will get done
-Some radical policy
-Toronto might appear as less 'refined' with a Mayor that speaks from the hip.
Pros : Will clean out city hall of all it's grime,grease, and self-serving ways. Toronto will (and has succeeded) despite inefficient government.

Final choice?


Rocco Rossi for mayor!

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I'd consider Ford's broad populist support more important if I could see it as anything more than part of a political cycle where Baby Boomers flirt with the belief that they can drastically lower their taxes while maintaining government services by electing people who are, by their own admission, not very smart but who possess Common Sense and Toughness. It's a North American phenomenon - nothing unique to Toronto.
I don't fear Smitherman. Although I'm not planning to vote for him, I think he'd be a good Mayor. Not exactly in line with my beliefs but he would do a good job of cleaning up.

Ford? Where do I begin?

- His policies are extreme and his personality confrontational. It would be impossible to find any consensus in council and nothing would get done.

- If Lastman's "boiling in a pot" type comments made us cringe, I'm, afraid to think about how a Mayor Ford would embarrass our city. Ford is to Toronto's image what Bush was to the USA. The latter managed to destroy record worldwide good will toward the US after 9/11. Toronto is a respected city in the world and Miller has built strong relationships and a good reputation over the last decade. Ford's big mouth would obliterate that in a few months. Many have said it before and it's a good example: Imagine Mayor Ford speaking at the World PRIDE to be hosted in Toronto. I do not want that man to represent me on the world stage. That's one of the biggest and most powerful roles of a Mayor.

- Projects like the Bloor St and Nathan Philips Square revitalization would not get done. Neighbourhood improvement and city beautification would be eliminated under Ford. Cultural projects would get no push at City Hall. We'd also be looking at cancelling of WaterfrontToronto.

While we need to get the city's spending under control, we shouldn't stop investing in livability because an unlivable city means people move out and property taxes drop. We need to work on spending all the while improving the quality of life in Toronto.
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Property taxes as well. It's the city's principal source of revenue. With a falling quality of life, people are attracted to other cities, population drops, property values drop, the city receives less revenue. So those cuts that reduced quality of life may have saved some expenditures but ended up being a net loss for the city.

A balanced approach needs to be taken and Rob Ford is anything but balanced.
FYI.. lots of these amazing projects you've seen, are NOT the result of city funding.

Regent Park, Sugar Beach (the Federal Tories pitched in 13 of 14 million!), Water front etc.

People are fed up with the lack of fiscal management.

the majority of expenses people discuss regarded wasted spending is the expansion of different government branches and increase in the number of 'employees' the city has.

To say that that 'city will not build' anything is simply scare tactic.

When Lastman was mayor, did the city not flourish?

If our 3 BILLION dollar annual increase in operating budget (or 50% since Miller came in) doesn't indicate inefficient allocation (at 3 B annually, we can easily build numerous subway lines), then I'm not sure what else can. Again, this is NOT the capital budget, but OPERATING.
Metroman, yes - revenue would drop in that scenario. Stating it as 'taxes would drop' makes it sound like a campaign platform for Rob Ford though, lol!

I find it tiring to listen to people complain about fiscal mismanagement in Toronto. It happens everywhere around the world. It's simple human nature + available credit. Many of us cant resist living beyond our means. It happens regardless of political affiliation... look at our "Conservative" federal government. Look at the GW Bush years in America. Individuals are carrying huge personal debt. Rob Ford is just a loud mouth trying to capitalize on a hot button issue. I cant fathom why anyone would vote for a loud mouthed moron just in the hopes of saving a few dollars in taxes... the trade off is clearly a negative one.
FYI.. lots of these amazing projects you've seen, are NOT the result of city funding.

Regent Park, Sugar Beach (the Federal Tories pitched in 13 of 14 million!), Water front etc.

People are fed up with the lack of fiscal management.

the majority of expenses people discuss regarded wasted spending is the expansion of different government branches and increase in the number of 'employees' the city has.

To say that that 'city will not build' anything is simply scare tactic.

When Lastman was mayor, did the city not flourish?

If our 3 BILLION dollar annual increase in operating budget (or 50% since Miller came in) doesn't indicate inefficient allocation (at 3 B annually, we can easily build numerous subway lines), then I'm not sure what else can. Again, this is NOT the capital budget, but OPERATING.

The City did not flourish when Lastman was mayor, no.
Smitherman's playing hardball with his campaign's new site:





