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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

Decades of experience doesn't mean he's good or successful. I owned a business for a lot of years, and many business owners in my network ran businesses for years but were barely holding on yet had flashy cars and big houses, all on credit.

Appearances can be deceptive.
Decades of experience doesn't mean he's good or successful. I owned a business for a lot of years, and many business owners in my network ran businesses for years but were barely holding on yet had flashy cars and big houses, all on credit.

Appearances can be deceptive.

I agree with you Lucy. But surviving for decades is success in itself.

As a businesswoman yourself how can you possibly entertain the idea of supporting the anti business NDP party though? Obviously a vote for the Liberal party is a wasted vote.
I sold my business 10 years ago.

I don't see the NDP as anti-business.

I am not greedy. I am willing to pay taxes that go into health care and education, roads, social services and more. I have always thought about society's needs, not just my personal needs. None of us know when we might need those services, and I am glad that they are there for those who need them.
Remember when Canadian politics were boring? Don't y'all wish we could go back to those comparatively innocent days? I know I do.

Just imagine the look on Doug's face when he heard that Renata had actually filed. She knows where a lot of bodies are buried and I was wondering if he would be stupid enough to try and screw her over financially.:D

Unlike her dumbass hubby, Renata didn't spend years with Thug as his younger sibling, being browbeaten, mistreated, picked on and (no doubt) bullied relentlessly. We saw plenty of instances of this dynamic playing out during Mayor Dum Dum's glorious reign - that charmingly public weight loss challenge being the most blatant example - and Rofo was undoubtedly used to giving in to his older brother's brute demands. And I have to say, as much as I despised Rob Ford, on this particular front I couldn't help feeling some small amount of pity for him, however hateful he was in every other respect.

But Renata isn't her husband, and didn't have the years of conditioning to accept this toxic relationship as just "the way things are." If anything, it looks to me like the family regards her as being little more than an employee, somebody to fob their feeble-minded youngest off on because no one else in their right minds would have him. This would engender a less than loving relationship between Renata and her in-laws, to put it politely. And she very likely had no choice about going down this route, if things are currently as dire for her as they appear.

I am sure that one of the articles says it was filed earlier but has only now been made public.

If Ford truly had a lengthy lead-up time in which to broker a more peaceful resolution and didn't, with a party leadership contest then an election to win, it makes him look 10 times stupider and more reckless, doesn't it? Mr. Savvy Businessman, my ass.

In this morning's press conference, Doug emphasized his unwavering support for Rob's kids, full stop.

Man, oh man. He truly is a piece of shit, isn't he? A sweaty little crook. Utterly transparent and obvious and grubby in every word and gesture. "Who're ya gonna believe, me or yer lyin' eyes?" This, while he's deliberately trying to screw over his late brother's wife and kids, a brother, lest we forget, that he shamelessly exploited for political gain every way he could. And is still doing so!

This is some Montgomery Burns level of mendacity. No, scratch that - it's more like some small town chiseler villain from a Little Orphan Annie strip, circa 1934: "Soon, I'll be able to foreclose on the Widow Brown's farm. Mwah hah hah hah haaa!"
I'll take a businessman with decades of experience, and what appears to be success from the outside…

Not quite. A company president who talks up how great his company doing isn't "success from the outside"; if you'd like to provide a 3rd party source about how well they're doing, you're welcome to. Otherwise, a date-limited news search on Google returns nothing about how successful Deco was between 2002 (When Doug was made president) and 2010 (when Doug rode into office bleating about how great he's been in business). You'd think a business as successful as Doug has made Deco out to be would get a little more press, no? Other than a bio on Doug here or there, there hasn't been much positive press since then either. But I digress, as lack of press isn't proof of lack of success. That said, press about poor business can definitely be proof of poor business.

I agree with you Lucy. But surviving for decades is success in itself.

Does that same thing apply to Sears? Zellers? Blockbuster? They all survived for quite a while, despite great losses year over year.

Having a kitty big enough to survive while the core of the company continually takes losses isn't success, it's just slow death. And might I point out, Deco under Doug Jr hasn't yet been decades.
Here's what I took from that article by the lovely Ms. Doolittle whom I respect and admire greatly:
"As a privately owned business, Deco is under no obligation to disclose internal financial information."
I'll take a businessman with decades of experience, and what appears to be success from the outside, like DOUG FORD over a card carrying neo socialist party any day of the week.

From the same article, Doug consistantly ignored experienced advice or do due dilligence, to make poor business decisions. That had not changed when he became a Toronto councillor and now PC leader.
Not quite. A company president who talks up how great his company doing isn't "success from the outside"; if you'd like to provide a 3rd party source about how well they're doing, you're welcome to. Otherwise, a date-limited news search on Google returns nothing about how successful Deco was between 2002 (When Doug was made president) and 2010 (when Doug rode into office bleating about how great he's been in business). You'd think a business as successful as Doug has made Deco out to be would get a little more press, no? Other than a bio on Doug here or there, there hasn't been much positive press since then either. But I digress, as lack of press isn't proof of lack of success. That said, press about poor business can definitely be proof of poor business.

Does that same thing apply to Sears? Zellers? Blockbuster? They all survived for quite a while, despite great losses year over year.

Having a kitty big enough to survive while the core of the company continually takes losses isn't success, it's just slow death. And might I point out, Deco under Doug Jr hasn't yet been decades.
The whole family has been draining the company with pretty generous salaries; Mama Ford, Randy, Kathy, Doug and the Ks, plus Rob and family. The business has been dying slowing and the Fords are still living like it's booming. It's starting to look like Dougie needs the Premier gig to pay bills.;)
The whole family has been draining the company with pretty generous salaries; Mama Ford, Randy, Kathy, Doug and the Ks, plus Rob and family. The business has been dying slowing and the Fords are still living like it's booming. It's starting to look like Dougie needs the Premier gig to pay bills.;)

I speculate that Doug “re-invested” what Renata’s owed back into Deco, the same way a gambler places has a sure bet that he’s certain will get him rent for the month. I’m sure he rationalized it as a boon for Renata once business takes off again.

And for all of Doug’s talk of his prowess as a businessman, he’s spent little time actually being a businessman over the past decade, seemingly finding ways to stay away from it.
I sold my business 10 years ago.

I don't see the NDP as anti-business.

I am not greedy. I am willing to pay taxes that go into health care and education, roads, social services and more. I have always thought about society's needs, not just my personal needs. None of us know when we might need those services, and I am glad that they are there for those who need them.
So much this! I've been running a business for over 15 years and I know how lucky I am to have my health. I don't vote for people because I might benefit, but for the benefit of all, especially the most vulnerable.
So much this! I've been running a business for over 15 years and I know how lucky I am to have my health. I don't vote for people because I might benefit, but for the benefit of all, especially the most vulnerable.

Let's see how much you like your business when income/capital gains/property/payroll/employer/health taxes skyrocket and you have to work 80 hours per week to subsidize the people the NDP believe are 'most vulnerable' yet end up taking home more income at the end of the day than you the business owner.
Let's see how much you like your business when income/capital gains/property/payroll/employer/health taxes skyrocket and you have to work 80 hours per week to subsidize the people the NDP believe are 'most vulnerable' yet end up taking home more income at the end of the day than you the business owner.

You sound angry. I think I'll just wait and see what happens.

Ontario Election 2018: an open letter from Toronto to Ontarians thinking of voting for Doug Ford
He's come to your town and felt your pain, but for those of us close enough to observe his and his brother's rise to power in Toronto – and the ensuing chaos – it looks like Doug Ford is on the brink of pulling one of the biggest cons in the history of Ontario politics...
Let's see how much you like your business when income/capital gains/property/payroll/employer/health taxes skyrocket and you have to work 80 hours per week to subsidize the people the NDP believe are 'most vulnerable' yet end up taking home more income at the end of the day than you the business owner.


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