Senior Member
I agree. East of White River it's nothing spectacular (northern Ontario nice, but that's it).
I am guessing you did not enjoy the trip between Cartier and Bisco.
Neither do I. I think they do the yard work for Algoma Steel but, beyond a few forestry carloads, I don't there's much else. Whoever owns the Ring of Fire (I loose track) announced SSM as the site for the Chromium refinery so maybe they are hanging on for that.
Yes, it would make sense that once that gets going the ACR would be used for it. My assumption is the crossing would be put back in.
If you think you can turn White River and Chapleau into non-fishing/hunting tourist destinations, there's a job for you at NOTO or Destinations Northern Ontario.
...where do I apply?
And would they even want to hear it?