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Keir Starmers' United Kingdom

A well-deserved slaughter, it seems.


Now beyond the election- consolidation.
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Well I was more delighted to see Sunak go than joy at Keir Starmer winning ...

Some of Labour's "Tory-lite" positions and their LGBTQ+ policies are not good enough - but I look forward to seeing how they will govern. I think Starmer is going to be a better administrator than he is a politician!

The Planning Reform is going to be fascinating - the UK needs a hell of a lot of new homes.
  • Reform the planning system and reinstate local targets to help build 1.5 million new homes over five years
  • Build a new generation of new towns, fast track the approval of brownfield sites and release some "low quality" green belt for housing
  • Prioritise the building of social rented homes and give first-time buyers the chance to buy homes in new developments before investors
  • Introduce a permanent mortgage guarantee scheme to help first-time buyers
  • Make it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to extend leases and ban new leasehold flats, while tackling unregulated ground rent charges
  • Ban so-called no-fault evictions and empower renters to challenge rent rises
The Planning Reform is going to be fascinating - the UK needs a hell of a lot of new homes.

These sound mostly meh........with a couple of question marks.

Reform the planning system and reinstate local targets to help build 1.5 million new homes over five years

Very non-specific so its difficult to say much here.

Build a new generation of new towns, fast track the approval of brownfield sites and release some "low quality" green belt for housing

The first part sounds fine, maybe......except......the last part sound terrible.............It sounds like more sprawl and less countryside.

Prioritise the building of social rented homes and give first-time buyers the chance to buy homes in new developments before investors

This sounds ok............though the second part will be interesting...........what's the plan, an attestation that you're going to live in the home? What's the penalty if you don't?

Introduce a permanent mortgage guarantee scheme to help first-time buyers

That sounds like demand stimulus, which in the absence of new supply will simply drive prices up.

Make it easier and cheaper for leaseholders to extend leases and ban new leasehold flats, while tackling unregulated ground rent charges

This I need to hear more about, can you elaborate on what the issue is here?

Ban so-called no-fault evictions and empower renters to challenge rent rises

So there's no rent control now?


My take:

1) The UK needs to flat-line population growth for a couple of years to allow the market and social housing to catch up to where the population is now.......

2) The UK needs to boot out many TFWs and people who are not legitimate asylum seekers.

3) The social housing promise should be for the Vienna model (mixed-income rental where social or low-income housing is no more than 1/3 of a build or complex'es renters.

4) A commitment should be made to redevelop older Council Estates into the Vienna model, intensifying lower-rise communities by at least 50%, but properly ammenitizing and shifting to the Vienna-model to remove
social stigma and raise quality of life. New buildings should be completed off-site first to allow for relocation of residents during redevelopment.

5) Tenants should generally benefit from rent control unless vacancy in the market exceeds 4% so that tenants have a fair negotiating position and alternatives available.
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