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Gun Control

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i'm a different person form the other 3 i can't vouch for them but i'm pretty sure they are different people as well.
really you've never heard of hyperbole? see i know big words too :)
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Tom swift I'm new to this page but as a long time TO resident I will be back. I'll put it out to you come out with my me and my 9& 15 yr old boys with some sammy's and pop for a day at the range. Air and powder (.22)I'll bet you havn't tried it , or come out to an air gun competition, you will never meet a better bunch of gals and fellows (who are all totally law abiding) and I'll bet if you hit a 3/8 " target zone at 20 yds you will be beside youself with proudness at the skill it took and your back will be sore from the congratulations you get from pats from fellow shooters!!!!
I like the way you admit that it's only one person who doesn't agree with me ... why do you think it's acceptable to post under different pseudonyms?

If you did a basic IP check you realize we're all from different locations and are all different people. If you took to time to read my posts you'd have also noticed that I was linked here by a friend who could very well be one of the other 3 posters. Your blatant ignorance makes me worry for the future of humanity. BIG TRUCK OF FAIL FOR YOU! I realize that is an Ad Hominem.
Oh good grief, are you kidding me?

The chance of one new pro-gun member here is unlikely. Four in the space of a few minutes? What are the chances. And besides, why did you lie about there not being hundreds of accidental gun deaths?

Are you kidding me? This web forum seems like the biggest circle jerk of socialist mouth breathers. We were linked here by friends on the other side. It would be no different if you were to post to all your little friends let's go tell them the facts at and 4 of you went over there and started discussion.
Tom swift I'm new to this page but as a long time TO resident I will be back. I'll put it out to you come out with my me and my 9& 15 yr old boys with some sammy's and pop for a day at the range. Air and powder (.22)I'll bet you havn't tried it , or come out to an air gun competition, you will never meet a better bunch of gals and fellows (who are all totally law abiding) and I'll bet if you hit a 3/8 " target zone at 20 yds you will be beside youself with proudness at the skill it took and your back will be sore from the congratulations you get from pats from fellow shooters!!!!

That's an excellent idea. I also invite anyone on here to send me a message, I'll gladly take you to a range and I'll let you shoot my handgun, rifle or shotgun. The best way for you to make an arguement against sport shooting is to come out and see if we're doing anything dangerous. You will find, like homers has said, we are all professionals... firefighters, cops, airline pilots, mechanics, Doctors, and so on. We are also family men and women with children who are your next door neighbours from every race and religion and would be happy to show you some good safe fun on the range.
•From 1987 to 1996, four percent of firearm-related deaths involve accidents. Every year, a small proportion of firearms deaths (2%) can be attributed to legal intervention (e.g., police shooting of an offender) or undetermined firearm deaths

thats the best stts i can find but i didn't look very hard.

as for how 4 of us showed up at almost the same time. there is a forum i subscribe to where a link to this forum past posted so i followed it.
With 4 different personas, perhaps these men and women with children are all the same person?

so you no longer have anything productive to say so you simply resort to childishness eh?

If you are going to debate, know the facts, breath them, and beleive in them, otherwise you waste everyones time.
Perhaps you'd like to provide the URL of that forum so we can confirm the veracity of your claim.

Still seems odd that you'd all gravitate to a long-dead thread ...

the link was was for this exact forum
You are trollling, spamming, and posting under multiple pseudonyms. You have lied to us here today on facts.

There's no point debating anything with someone of such low moral character.

Now yet you, fact less resort to your own ad hominem's. You can't honestly believe one person is posting 4 different things almost simultaneously. Are you a scizophrenic?
OK Tom sorry ... you just want to sit and rant, I've posted 4 times with ratrional posts but do I get a response... NO... so I guess it is all hot air from you, cause I'm willin to show you where the rubber meets the road and give you a look at the other side from the other side. If all you want to do is spout rhetoric and theories so be it.... Ive got to go plan my trip with my boys to the range . ( incidentally when at the range, we spit up the groups so there is orienteering and camp craft as well)
That doesn't even make sense; why would someone link to a forum that's been dead for almost 18 months.

I don't believe you for a second - particularly as you won't provide a link to your fictitious forum.

Let Me Google That For You? Jeez why do you think your so entitled to having everything done for you?
i can't vouch for the rest of these guys but I am trying to have a pleasent debate like an adult. but however it seems like that has long since gone out the window. so instead of trying to insult our integrity, of which you have no idea of, let stick to teh facts
What's the best policy for gun control and how should we implement it?

The best Policy for gun control is:

1: Treat all firearms as if they are always loaded

2: Never point a firearm at anything you are not willing to destroy

3: Keep your finger off the trigger unless your sights are on target and you have made the conscious decision to shoot.

4: Be sure of your target and beyond.

One needs not concern themselves with any other policies.......and implementing these actions is no harder than taking the Canadian Firearms Safety Courses!
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