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News   Sep 17, 2024
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Ford Wants NFL Team For Toronto

Yeah, it sounds like all business to me..and by the way we are not looking at millions here, we are talking of a measly donation of 30 grand.. and now-a-days thats small change.

As a Ford supporter, you're in no position to say that 30 grand is "small change". After all, Ford was the one that thought offering councilors catered lunches and paying for Kyle Rae's retirement party was gravy.
Hahaha, holy shit..where the heck did you get that evidence
It was in this morning's Globe and Mail.

An influential Vaughan developer, who donated generously to Mayor Ford’s pre- and post-election fundraising drives, controls a long-term lease on the Port Lands’ Hearn Generating Station, which has been proposed as a site for an NFL stadium by the mayor’s brother Doug

you need a lot more than donated cash from a fantasy developer
Fantasy developer? The name the guy - it's Mario Cortellucci. They give the amount - $30,000.

My oh my, nfitz...where are you coming from.
From somewhere were people read newspaper articles apparently.

..and by the way we are not looking at millions here, we are talking of a measly donation of 30 grand.. and now-a-days thats small change.
Oh, you knew about it ... so why the rudeness? That's a huge donation - representing 3% of all donations to Ford. A much bigger amount than the donations from Foulidis to Bussin that Rob Ford claimed was "corrupt".
He's not lying. The land does belong to a developer that gave huge amounts of money to the Ford campaign.

But then, I'm always surprised when Ford supporters feign surprise that their gravy train messiah is a corrupt pig (one that is completely transparent about his corruption too).

An NFL franchise will be disastrous for the city and make no mistake taxpayers will be left holding the bag for this potential debacle. Wealthy people are notoriously stingy about losing their own money in gambling situations. And you know what the pitch will be from the Mayor's office? "Well you fine citizens wanted this NFL team so now you're going to have to pay for it". If anything before one move occurs there should be a plebiscite.

Were the Blue Jays "Disasterous?" Will you say the same when the argos demand a new stadium?
The point was that the Fords don't think Toronto can be a great North American city without an NFL team. Which is utterly ridiculous, seeing as there's only one country in North America that has ever had NFL teams. I guess according to the Fords, no city in Canada, Central America, or the Caribbean can ever be great.

The NHL started in Canada and has always had a major Canadian presence. The difference is obvious. And while baseball is a lot more comparable to a fictional Toronto NFL team, there's no Canadian baseball league that MLB would compete with. MLB wasn't risking shooting itself in the foot by expanding to Canada like the NFL would be.

And if you can't see what's wrong with Detroit and Buffalo then you've clearly got blinders on.

There is a Canadian baseball league. The NHL has not been Canadian since the 1950's The have increased and then again decreased their presence since as well. And Winnipeg And Saskatoon are just as bad as any US city so don't play semantics.

Just admit you are another hyocrite. You cannot force people to like the CFL. The NFL is not risking anything, after all the Bills made money and if rogers is not involved then the new owner will too.
There is a Canadian baseball league.

The NHL has not been Canadian since the 1950's The have increased and then again decreased their presence since as well. And Winnipeg And Saskatoon are just as bad as any US city so don't play semantics.
Saskatoon is a non-issue, but how is Winnipeg just as bad as any US city? Why do you hate Winnipeg?

Just admit you are another hyocrite. You cannot force people to like the CFL. The NFL is not risking anything, after all the Bills made money and if rogers is not involved then the new owner will too.
What's with the name calling?
Who's forcing people to like the CFL?
The NFL always risks something whenever their name is being used.
From a Toronto perspective, the Bills making money is the least relevant part of the Bills in Toronto Series.
Rogers can't be involved in a permanent Toronto NFL team.
Where is this new owner? Are the Fords hiding him in Chicago?

Were the Blue Jays "Disasterous?
Not sure about disastrous, but the Blue Jays have been losing money for about a decade. They're fortunate to have a big corporate owner willing to bankroll the team. The Raptors are in a similar position. The Argos lose money unless they host a Grey Cup, but they too have a rich owner. Only the Leafs make any real money in this town.
Intercounty? I thought you followed that.

Saskatoon is a non-issue, but how is Winnipeg just as bad as any US city? Why do you hate Winnipeg?

Both cities are or were just as bad as Detroit and Buffalo within the last 15 years.

What's with the name calling?
Who's forcing people to like the CFL?
The NFL always risks something whenever their name is being used.
From a Toronto perspective, the Bills making money is the least relevant part of the Bills in Toronto Series.
Rogers can't be involved in a permanent Toronto NFL team.
Where is this new owner? Are the Fords hiding him in Chicago?

Well he is. The NHL is based in New York and has had more american teams for over 40 years, yet he claims its a canadian league? Bullshit. He wants people to support the CFL, and I don't feel you have to support something just because its from your country. There were 4 non rogers group. If Rogers was taken out, I have no doubt those people if they owned the team would make money.

Not sure about disastrous, but the Blue Jays have been losing money for about a decade. They're fortunate to have a big corporate owner willing to bankroll the team. The Raptors are in a similar position. The Argos lose money unless they host a Grey Cup, but they too have a rich owner. Only the Leafs make any real money in this town.

I thought the Raptors and Jays were turning a profit? I also thought the Argos were making money. I guess Toronto is not a sports town.
Doug Ford in the National Compost: “We have a friendly voice in Ottawa now,” said Councillor Doug Ford, who has deep Conservative roots. He said the Tories’ majority victory was more exciting than winning the Super Bowl.

Doug Ford is now our mayor. Doug Ford really likes football.
Intercounty? I thought you followed that.
That's hardly a Canadian league (i.e. something approaching coast-to-coast), and as far as I know Intercounty players get paid little or nothing.

Both cities are or were just as bad as Detroit and Buffalo within the last 15 years.
In terms of what?

There were 4 non rogers group. If Rogers was taken out, I have no doubt those people if they owned the team would make money.
Based on TV money alone, a Toronto NFL team would at least break even, but that's not the point.

Name these 4 non-Rogers groups, or I'm calling you a liar. And don't give me that Ford quote saying there are four groups.
