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Battlestar Galactica


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May 13, 2007
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So, judging by the references being made to it in a few development threads there are definitely some BSG fans on the board. I am a fanatic for the show, constantly trying to explain to sceptical friends that yes, it's very different from the 70s original, yes, it really is the most trenchant political allegory on television and yes, Edward James Olmos really is God (or perhaps just the final Cylon).

I am really digging the current-and-last season, but I know some people are getting sick of some of the subplots, apparently, like the whole Baltar-cult thing. What do you guys think? Since all of my real life friends pretend to be too cool for sci-fi I would love to bounce around observations here...
As I love the show but am too cheap to get cable, I have not seen anything of season four.

Please shout out SPOILER ALERT if major plot or character issues are to be discussed.
Ahh sorry mate! I hope that wasn't much of a reveal. I don't even have a TV. I would gladly pay for BSG if it were still on iTunes, but alas, it's the torrents for me...
I thought the first season of BSG was brilliant, I am not so keen on the 2nd season.
Edward James Olmos really is God

but Adama is just an admiral ...

I am really digging the current-and-last season, but I know some people are getting sick of some of the subplots, apparently, like the whole Baltar-cult thing.

I wouldn't call the Baltar-cult thing a subplot
Hopefully Earth is not populated by the ancestors of the first Battlestar Galactica.
BSG forever. That's what I say.

(Ok, I've never actually said that).

I love this show (although not as much as LOST) and think it is just getting out of its recent string of filler episodes. It is about to deliver some solid mythology especially with the (SPOILER......) division in the Cylon ranks and the pending return of Xena the warrior Cylon.

I have to say, though, there is no way that Adama is the final Cylon. I'm thinking it is either Zarrek or Doc Cottle.

I thought the last episode was £@@$ing brilliant. The layering of all the political, historical and literary references is really impressive. Turning lovable Tyrol into Private Pyle was perfect, and Aaron Douglas is really showing what he can do. And I love the claustrophobia of the sewage ship, with Kara chasing her Moby Dick. Something big is building here, and on BSG (unlike, say, Lost) when you get that feeling there is definitely going to be a big payoff.

BSG is, as I have always said, frackin' awesome! If only I could convince my friends to give it a chance....

I vote Adama for the final cylon. I doubt it would be a minor character.
Last week's episode was great but it had a filler feel to it as it was missing Lee, the President and the Admiral. Plus I've never really liked the Leoban/Kara arcs.

Nonetheless, I think you're right. Part 2 is going to be unreal and (spoilers....) will definately help bring about a shift in the geo-political, er, interstellar-political cluster-frack if the alliance proceeds. I think the best aspect of this season, so far, as been the emergence of the raiders as more than just mindless drones. One actually recognized Sam and that helped set this whole Clyon civil war into motion. The final 5 are seemingly invisible to the "toasters" but I don't think they'll stay in hiding for long. Leoban seems to know something's up with Anders. Head-Six keeps signalling to Giaus (love Giaus) that Tory is up to her hot eyes in Cylon rage. And finally, Six seems to get that she's in the company of her own when she's with the Saul. When De'anna is unboxed we'll get a sense of how this all fits together.

As for the 5th... I dont know for sure but my gut tells me it would be the worst decision if they made Adama a Cylon. It would fly in the face of all the logic we've been told. I think that he'll be made out to be the red herring.

We should not underestimate Baltar as the 5th. All the signs are there. They are almost too obvious. He somehow didn't die during the nuclear explosion. He can communicate with Head-Six and Caprica-Six can communicate with head-Batlar. When De'anna saw the face of the 5th she almost broke down in sorrow for how she treated him/her. Given that 4 of the final 5 were major players in the resistance it suggests that the 5th is also someone else who was fracked around by the Cylons on New-Caprica. Baltar was played with more than anyone else. And finally, he's now on the religious side of the Cylons and being casts as the One. Too obvious? Maybe. Or maybe it is just consistency playing itself out.

Meh...I have to say I get tired of Lee pretty easily. His moralizing can get old, especially now that there will be no cathartic changes into a flightsuit. Leoben is kind of fun though--I guess he's meant to be the closest approximation on the show of a true religious fanatic, and he nails the balance between the horror and attraction of that world view.

What I think is amazing is the range of performances this array of (mostly unknown) actors have produced. James Callis (Gaius) is scarily good, especially recently. The bit week before last with him being "picked up" by Head Six was unreal. And Tahmoh Penikett (Helo) is really coming into his own as well. Tigh, similarly, is perfect. Every character manages to suprise us, but in ways that seem plausible. That's the genius of the cast and writing/directing crew.

I think Baltar would be too obvious. That possibility has already been explored; I would be amazed if it were him.

You're right, Baltar would be too obvious but that is part of the boldness of such a stunt. I think it is safe to say we're all very excited about the indentity of the Oceanic 5th, I mean 5th Cylon. (Semi serious note: if Cylon lore is to remain consistent, the final Cylon will be someone amazingly attractive. Does that eliminate Adama but elevate Lee?).

You're right about that scene between Head-Six and Baltar during the mob. It was so well done when she picked him up. It was the first time we've seen him actually be physically affected by Head-Six and it was brilliant. The cast is so strong. They take these elements of absurdity and grip them so tightly and they flex every muscle so perfectly that the intensity and emotion is raw. When combined with the show's intimate editing and dark overtures, the actors elevate themselves to new heights every single episode. James Callis is the unsung acting hero of that show. Minor characters, too, bring it with every scene. Ranging from Donnelly Rhodes' portrayal of Cottle with balls-out, M*A*S*H inspired frontier dedication to Grace Park's delicate and uncertain manorisms in multiple roles as Athena, 8, and Sharon, no cast member drops the ball.
