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1 Bloor East, DEAD AND BURIED (Bazis, -2s, Varacalli)

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Just curious, but do you always treat anyone who disagrees with you with contempt?

I don't suppose that once the building is up and occupied you will concede that you were wrong all along?
1 Bloor East is just Trump #2 -- people won't see it until they walk face first into the glass.
Indeed. I have my reservations about this project, but there is no denying of the potential of this site, and I would be quite happy to see the existing buildings gone.

Just a guess of course, but considering that Borat paid $50,000,000+ for the land maybe his lender/financier is putting the squeeze on him as a result of the global credit crunch by demanding more equity, collateral, security, etc. And maybe Borat's doesn't have it. Maybe Borat wasn't well capitalized enough to do this mammoth deal. Maybe Borat shouldn't have promised things he couldn't deliver.

All of the foregoing is mere speculation- much like the sales in the building.

Ummm ... Borat is not a real person
Sales tactics aside, its density tied to traffic/unloading concerns onto Hayden or construction staging without impacting the Yonge/Bloor intersection are far more likely scenarios then financial woes.

It's true the market is investor driven and is artificially driving up supply however, there are numerous examples of investor driven booms that seemingly go on forever. The correction will happen but, unlikely as long as resources continue to set record highs.
... I'm sure he'll try and boot me off again as he's done in the past.

Now that you mention it, just how many times have you rejoined?
Did it occur to you that maybe you did something to be banned?

The issue here is real estate, so why do you take it so personally.
If the developer was British, would you cal him Mr. Bean? If the developer was German, would you call him Sgt. Schultz? French, Clouseau?

No. So stop calling Bazis Borat. If done with some wit, it could have made a great photoshop joke once, but you go too far.
Oh how would we ever discuss projects and construction without racist/alarmist investors trying to manipulate us?

Smells like someone hedged their exposure to the market in the wrong direction, went insane with grief, and picked this little internet forum with virtually no influence over real estate in a futile attempt to sway the market. You know, the usual.
Now opening a pool on what new name vultur/investor/caveatemptor will use when he re-signs up.

For myself -- he likes the letter 'v' and the ending syllable tur/tor, so I think he will go with 'investigator' or perhaps 'velociraptor'. Although I think that 'violator' or even 'vibrator' would be more appropriate.

edit -- damn, he reused his last screen name.
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